Chapter 21- Strategies

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*Author's Note:

I thought that last chapter was so cute, happy, and a much needed break from the drama. Above is a picture of what I imagine the mystery girl to look like. She's going to become an important character eventually. Let me know thoughts, suggestions, whatever! Enjoy!

Dante POV

"I know that look, what are you scheming up, you evil genius." I know Luna way too well, I can read her like a fucking book. 

"Oh nothing," she smiles innocently. 

Rolling my eyes, I call my inner circle, ordering them to meet in my office in 1 hour.

"Alright baby, time to put that mischievous brain to work...we got to head home for our meeting."

My inner circle, a group of my most trusted men, includes: Roman, my left hand; Vito, my right hand; Dino (although I've assigned him to Luna as her bodyguard, I still ask him to help with other things); the new guys who have impressed me tremendously, Damion and Marco; and one of my longest, closest men, Riccardo; and of course, my brilliant, strong, brave, but slightly terrifying, wife. 

Right on time, everyone arrives. 

"I've called you all in here today because of the situation we have with that guy, Aiden. Normally, I could give two shits what the police do or think, but he got himself involved when he decided to use Sienna as a gateway into our businesses, and then, he signed his death warrant when he stepped foot into our own home." I love how authoritative I sound when I speak. 

I look around the room, making eye contact with each person as I speak up again, "Roman: call up the important families of all three branches of our mafia. Tell them what's going on without alarming them. Vito: call our distributors, buyers, dealers, and hitmen, let them know to be extremely discreet. Dino: call our men on the payroll at NYPD, see if they can find out anything about him or the case he's trying to build. Damion, Marco, Riccardo: make sure all of our illegal actions have been accounted for. Make sure there's no paper trail to any of them. Also, call our men at everything police station we have people in, make sure all the death reports on our victims, are forged with believable stories and are legit."

I turn to my wife, before wrapping up the meeting, "and Luna: you and I will stop at every single one of our legitimate businesses. We will need to make sure that absolutely NOTHING illegal or mafia related can be linked to them."

"Before I dismiss you all, I need to say one more thing. Whatever your assignment may be, if you get the sense that ANYONE is screwing us over or are a rat, you bring their heads back to guys are my most trusted men, so I trust your judgement...if something seems sketchy, you call right away. Understood?"

"Yes, boss," they say in unison. 

"Good, get to it." 

Luna POV

"I'll call our pilots to start the jets, and our housekeepers to prepare our houses. I think it's best if we don't warn the managers of our arrival." I suggest to Dante.

"Yes, good idea, they won't have time to hide anything if they're snitching or turning on us."

"Also Dante, as hard as this is for both you and me to do, I think we need to fire Sienna until she's  done with this guy."

"I've thought of that, but I've also thought it could be good to keep her around for a couple reasons. 1) If we fire her now that she's with him, it'll throw up a red flag that we are trying to hide something and 2) if we can get her to believe us, she could be very useful to keep dating him and get information. I'll keep thinking on it, I'm not quite too sure which is best."

"Okay, my love. Oh, I also have my own plan for 'Operation Mystery Girl from the Cafe'."

Dante looks at me completely lost.

"Setting Vito and that girl up!" 

He silently mouths 'oh' when he realizes what I'm talking about. 

"So before we leave to check on our businesses, we're gonna have to host a party, at that cafe." I smile and run off before he can protest my childish matchmaking plan. 

The Dangerous King and His QueenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora