Chapter 7- Healing

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*Two Months Later

Luna POV

It had been two month since I had left the hospital and I hadn't been doing anything at all. At first, I was on bed rest for a couple weeks so my stomach could heal. But I had fallen into a depression due to the news of my ectopic pregnancy, so I had spent the two months doing nothing but laying in bed, crying, sleeping, moping around. Dante has been my rock, never once getting angry with me, letting me cry on his shoulder until I fell asleep, bringing me breakfast in bed so I would actually eat. I did nothing up until last week, when I had had enough of my behavior. 

All of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to move on, it would always be a tragic part of my life, but many people had things way worse. At least it had been so early on that I hadn't even felt any of the symptoms, and the baby hadn't really started to develop. I was thankful the doctors caught it when they did, giving me a small chance that it hadn't damaged my reproductive organs. I was thankful to be alive. I started doing small things, like showering every day, going for a small walk in the garden, eating all three meals, and spending more time with Dante. My progress has made him extremely thrilled, and I love seeing him so happy and proud of me. 

At the beginning of this week, I started lightly exercising again. I can't run or box yet, but I began walking a couple miles a day and practicing gentle yoga. Dante and I had been making dinners together, spending more time with each other, and being intimate again (my bullet wound was FINALLY not too painful to have sex). I started calling around, checking in on our businesses again. Thank God for Sienna and her amazing managing skills, she had stepped up to the plate during my absence and ran all of our businesses while I was healing. Dante had been so overwhelmed with the Mafia side of things, he didn't have time for it either. 

Roman had informed me that Isabella was extremely concerned about me, but didn't want to visit and make me upset, due to her healthy pregnancy. Hearing that, I instantly called her, bitching her out for ever thinking that, before assuring her how happy and supportive I am for them. Roman and his men left for NYC this morning, so I decided to take Isabella out for a shopping trip. She's almost 7 months at this point, so I'm taking her out to pick out clothes and baby things. 

With Kaiden still on the loose, I am constantly escorted by Dino and four other men: Luca and Luigi from before, Damion, and Marco. Dino and his family have been visiting me everyday, bringing me food and flowers. I love them so much. I've actually gotten a smile out of Luca, and a smirk out of Luigi, which is progress from their usual serious demeanor. Damion and Marco are hilarious, extremely weird, but nonetheless, hilarious. 

I can't help but giggle as Isabella and I arrive at the mall, surrounded by a posse. I know that I am a very important person, but it still makes me feel really cool. Above that, it makes me feel safe. These men would literally take bullets for me and I appreciate their loyalty. They know it too, as I make sure I show them gratitude and treat them well. 

"What about these?!" I hold up cute tiny blue socks, before something else catches my eye. "Oh this too!!! and this! Oh my god, look at those!" I run around the store, picking up everything I see. Isabella laughs, "oh my god, he's not even born yet and you are spoiling him senseless!" 

I smile at her before I shrug and point out, "hey, I'm his fairy god mother!" Isabella walks up to me, grabbing my hands in hers and squeezes them tightly, "you have to stay positive. They caught it early, maybe no damage was done, and you will still have plenty of babies." I nod, tears in my eyes.

"Okay, I've officially decided that I am buying everything..." I change the subject. Isa just pulls me into a tight hug before thanking me. 

Sure, Roman and Isabella have plenty of money as well, but I want to give them this as a thank you for everything. 

"Oh my god Luca, Luigi, man up!" I poke fun at them, as they struggle carrying our thousands of shopping bags. I might have decided to do a little shopping for myself, as well. Hey, a little retail therapy never hurt anyone. They frown at me before Luca whines, "how do you girls do this on your own, without anyone to carry this shit?!" I link arms with Isabella, pulling her closer and we giggle. 

Dante comes into the kitchen around 8P.M. as I'm finishing making dinner for us. He wraps his arms around me from behind, whispering, "mmmm, smells good baby."

I lean into his embrace before I turn and look at him, tears form into my eyes. 

"Hey mio amore, don't cry." His hand strokes the side of my face.

"These are actually happy tears Dante. I just, I'm healing. I'm feeling good again, and I just want you to know how much I fucking love you." I breath out, as the tears fall down my face. He reaches behind me, turning off the stovetop, and shoves his tongue into my mouth before throwing me onto the counter. 'Ohhhh I guess dinner will just have to wait.' 

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