Chapter 25- Narc

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Aiden POV

The past two years I've been working on going undercover with this case, and two whole years down the drain. 'How did they outsmart me?' I'm furious that they found out about me before I could do anything. My boss is going to fucking kill me for blowing the case. This would've made my career, and in return, make my boss look amazing in the eyes of the public. 

The most important undercover case, and they figure it out within the first hours of meeting them. 

I've been desperately trying to find anything to use against them, but those motherfuckers destroyed any evidence or proof. 

I punch the wall in my office out of frustration. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do now?'

Sitting down in my office, I place my head in my hands, trying to calm down so I can think clearly. 'I've got it.'

"Hey boss," I knock on my lieutenant's office door. He gestures for me to come in.

"I've got an's going to take some more time though.." I start, "I'm going to have to go undercover with a local gang, Hell's Reapers. A long time ago, Dante's father had struck a deal with them, only to pull out of the deal last minute, leaving Hell's Reapers in debt and weaponless. If I can work my way up in their ranks, I could talk them into striking back."

My boss thinks for a second before agreeing, "Alright. That could work. Get started gathering information on the Hell's Reapers so that you can figure out how to infiltrate them."

I start to leave before my boss stops me, "and Aiden.."

"Yes boss?"

"This time, don't get caught being a narc." 

I put my head down, embarrassed, and retreat back to my office. I check my phone, and 5 missed calls from Sienna appear on my screen. A hint of guilt pops into my stomach, the girl is a sweet girl, and been through a whole lot. I was so focused on taking down Dante, that I totally disregarded the fact that I was completely using her. Over the past months pretending to date her, I've tried to block out the true feelings I've found myself getting. Maybe now that I'm starting over with the case, I could actually start to date her. Of course, I couldn't come clean to her, but from this point, I could let myself like her. She didn't know much anyways, so it's not like she's really tied to the mafia, she just runs their legit businesses. 

I sigh and send her a text that I will call her later. 'Time to get started on my new case.'

Luna POV

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Isabella yells in disbelief as I told her the events that unfolded with Sienna.

I nod, still pissed off. Dante and I had been back in Italy for two days now, and I'm still furious about Sienna turning on us. 

"Traitor," Isabella spits out, with disgust in her voice. I almost laugh, surprised at her attitude. Isabella never loses her temper. 

"I know, I'm so pissed off. Dante rescued her from hell, took her in as his own, and she does this to him? She was our sister, and she does this to us?" 

Isabella just shakes her head. 

"Well, your set up with Vito and Leila has worked out...she's been staying at the house with him," Isabella changes the subject.

I giggle, "I know I saw her sneak out this morning. She saw me in the kitchen, and thought I didn't see her," then I get serious before admitting, "don't get angry with me...but after Sienna turning on us, I've sort of...kind of...hadaskedLucatofollowherandmakesureshe'snotatraitor."

"What the hell did you just say?"

I sigh, feeling guilty, "I've asked Luca to follow her and make sure she's not a traitor. I mean, for Christ's sake, she lives in the house, I can't risk it."

"That's actually not the worst idea, I mean, I can see why you did it. We should have Luca run a background check, as well."

"Now you're thinking like a mob queen," I joke with her. 

She laughs, "nah, I think I'll leave that up to you. I like being your second in command, it's a lot less pressure."

I nervously ask her, "I have an OBGYN appointment this afternoon, would you come with me? Dante is busy, and I want someone with me."

Isabella grabs my hand, "of course, sweetie."

*At the Appointment 

"So  Luna, what brings you here today?" Dr. Collins asks after I've changed into a gown. 

"Well, I was hoping, I could get my IUD removed. I think I want to start trying to get pregnant."

Isabella and Dr. Collins smile at my confession.

"Of course, let's get started." 

Dr. Collins removes the IUD, then performed an ultrasound to check my reproductive organs.

"Well Mrs. Constantino, I can happily inform you that everything looks healthy! I see no reason to advise you against trying to conceive. It's best for you to go through one cycle before you start trying, to higher your chances. But you are okay to go ahead having unprotected sex right away. Also, here's some information to help your chances. I would advise you to stop drinking alcohol, and start taking prenatal vitamins in preparation."

Isabella squeals clapping her hands, "Oh my god, Luna, we'll be trying to conceive at the same time! What if we both get pregnant at the same time?! Oh my god, we can go do so many things together!" 

I smile at the thought.

"That sounds good to me! Dante and I's three year anniversary is coming up this weekend, I'm going to tell him then that we can start trying."

'I hope he's excited.' I think to myself, before I get dressed and ready to check out. 

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