Chapter 3: Her Bloodstained Lips

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*Sexual Abuse Content*

I walk over with Jonnie and Sam to the nurses office. He places her on the bed and adjusts his shirt. 

"Thanks for taking me to the nurse. You really didn't have to do that." Sam says shyly. I roll my eyes as I cross my arms. He chuckles as he scratches the back of his head. 

"No problem. I hope you ankle gets better. I got to get to work so see you guys around." I nod as he walks out. She sighs as she leans against the wall as the nurse looks at her ankle. 

"You worked hard today." I say smugly. "Even sacrificed your ankle for it." She giggles. 

"You know good and well I am a clutz." 

"Bitch, you can drink a case of beer and still walk in a straight line. The day your a clutz the world would come to an end."  The nurse clears her throat. I wince as I forgot the nurse was in the room. Sam gives me death stares. 

"Sorry." I say. The nurse gets up and looks for something.

"But they were nice weren't they?" 

"Jonnie was nice enough. I don't know about that Bailey guy though. I generally get along with everyone.. but he just... I dunno he seems boring." Sam abruptly starts laughing. 

"I am sorry.. I thought I just heard you say that you generally get along with everyone. "

"Bitch! I Do!" 

"You are rough around the edges, no filter, and loud." 

"Rather be that than a coy, girly girl, who has to fake a sprained ankle to get a guy." I mutter. She flips me off. I chuckle.  

"You lucky your my Bitch." She hisses. I lean my head on her lap. 

"Damn Straight." I say softly. She runs her fingers through my hair. "Reggie?" She says softly. 


"Have you every thought to maybe I dunno be more considerate in regards the way you interact with people?" 

"No. Not really why?" I say curiously. She sighs heavily. The nurse comes back with the wrapping. I lift my head up. She hands it to Sam. 

"I figured you would want this so that no one will be suspicious." I look at Sam in shock. 

"Why are you..." The nurse puts her hand up.

"Faking a sprain to get the guy? Classic move." Sam takes the wrapping and stands up. 

"Thanks!" Sam says as we walk out. 

"I must say I didn't expect that." I say as we walk down the hallway. 

"It wouldn't be so shocking if you were nice to people." Sam says as she puts the wrapping in her purse.  Sam then slams her arm into my stomach. I make a loud oof noise and stop abruptly. 

"What the fu-" She shushes me. We hear a bunch of children go down the hallway. We wait until they pass by. 

"They must be going to after school care. My little sister goes there." Sam says. We see a bunch of little kids in lines with their back packs walking down the hallway. Jonnie was leading the line. 

"OMG!" She whispers loudly. "He works with CHILDREN!?" Sam squeals. I roll my eyes and swat at her. It's boys and little kids is Sam's kryptonite. She literally has no self control. The line eventually ends and there before me is Bailey with a little boy on his back and he is holding the hand of a little preschooler in line. He has the hugest smile on his face. The little girl is entranced by Bailey. 

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