Chapter 4: The Walking Contradiction

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We pull up into my drive way and sprint out the car. My mother is all ready starting on our house windows. 

"Bailey!" My mother calls out to me.  Me and Jonnie run inside. 

"Thank goodness your here. You and Jonnie barricade the Center as best as you can, but at 3:00 you get all this kids to the house. "The kids will stay here till everything is over. Grab all the food from the center and bring it into the house.. I have a feeling its going to be a long night." She points at the pile of ply wood next to her. " I have extra wood. Use that for the center. Keep me updated if you move to a new location."

"How will the parent's know?" Jonnie says as we take the wood.

"Its  part of the contract when each parent signed their kid up. They pick up this kids at our house when its over." My mother explains. "Go! Hurry!" We run off and head over to center. We put the bins of snacks into the car, we took some games, toys, and books for the children as well. 

Jonnie starts hammering the outside of the windows while I make everything secure inside. I hide even some of the more expensive items in the hopes they don't find it. I walks out and join Jonnie with the boarding. 

"I can't believe this is happening again." Jonnie says annoyed. "You realize that if they completely destroy this center...."

"I know." We can kiss the center goodbye. My mom and I put our last cent to get this center in top shape again. 

"Aren't you scared?" He hammers harder. "Because I am. If this center is gone... The kids will have no where to go." 

"My mom will find a way to make it work. She always does." Even though I say that. I am a little nervous but it doesn't help if we are both freaked out. 

"Do you guys need help?" We both turn around and see Sam and Reggie behind us.  Sam walks up to us but Reggie slowly drags behind with her hands in her pockets. Jonnie wanted to say something but i know he was trying to find the words. 

I give her the hammer. Jonnie looks at me kind of shocked that I gave her the hammer. Reggie comes up. 

"Do you mind if I help too?" Reggie asks. I nod. We all get to work and what could have taken like 4 hours took 2. We all pack up the stuff in the car. 

"Its two. We should probably go back to school to get the kids." I say to Jonnie. 

"Do you... Mind if i helped?" Sam asks nervously. "My little sister goes to your after school care and I want to be with her make sure she doesn't freak out plus I can be of help. Im not a part of R.Crew so..." I look at Jonnie. Its his call. 

"We can use the help we can get." Jonnie says with a smile on face.  "I also want to apologize for what I said earlier. "

"Its okay." She says with a smile on her face. "I get it more often than you think."

"It still doesn't make it right." Jonnie says. "Since we have two extra people why don't we split up? Me and Sam can go pick up the kids and you and Reggie can go back to your mom's house and take the food and toys over there." 

I mentally rolled my eyes. Now is not the time, Jonnie. "Fine." I say finally. He owes me big time. Reggie gets into my car and we head over to my place. Its awkward silence for the first minute. It doesn't bother me too much.

"I want to say thank you." Reggie says. 


"Letting Sam go with Jonnie. I know you aren't a fan of me." 

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