Chapter 17: I Fell Into Your Arms

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I had a lot of thoughts about how this was going to go down but this was not it. 

" I don't believe you." I say weakly as I push him away from me. "I don't believe you wont hurt me again." 

"Im going to be honest with you. I will hurt you but you will also hurt me because we are human. We make mistakes we aren't perfect and to expect that someone will never hurt you or let you down is setting the relationship up for failure. I rather be hurt by you 1000 over if it means if i can be with you. I don't expect you to believe me right away but if you are willing to give me a chance... You will not regret it." 

Should i give him another chance? I groan. 

"I swear to God! If you hurt me like that again! I will kill you!" 

He nods. "Understood." I put my hands in my face. "Do you still love me?" I ask her.  "I remember you told me a while back." I put myself in his arms. 

"I never really stopped." He squeezes me tighter. "Why do you think i was so angry?" 

"I love you so much." I kiss the top of her head. "I will never stop telling you that. I don't want you to ever doubt that ever again." I intertwine my finger with his. 

"I love you too." I say with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me. 

"You must have been so bored here." I say to him.

He rests his head on my shoulder. "UGHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA." I start laughing. 

"You need to visit me in California." I say to him. 

"Done." He says instantly. 

"Especially when your are in Nevada."

"Is that even something worth considering?" 

"And I will visit you as much as i can." I say softly. My phone starts to ring. 

"Yes, Sam..."

"Did you kill him?" Sam asks. 

"No, I didn't."

"Please tell me you guys sorted out your issues." 

"Its been sorted, and dealt with. We are okay." I say to him will looking at him. He buries his face in my neck. 

"OH THANK GAWD! BABY! THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER! Jonnie yelled yay i'm not sure you heard him its very loud." 

"Do you want us to come back and join you?"

"By all means take your time... You haven't seen each other in a year. You can make up for lost time if you want..."

Bailey nearly chokes on my water.

"Wow....Okay perve ill call you later. " I say to her. 

"Byeeee." I hang up the phone and look at him. 

"We should probably head back." he softly laughs as he puts his arm around me. 

"Yeah we probably should." We walk back to the concert. We end up meeting up with Jonnie and Sam and dancing the night away together in each other's arms. 

Its crazy to think that even though we were away from each other for so long but yet we could still find our way back to each other. 

While dancing to the music i think of all the memories we shared. When we first met, when he were preparing food together, Our first trip together, when we first kissed,  and our little trip. 

Memories i thought initially brought me sadness because I can never experience those things again with him since we broke up now brings me joy again.

I love you Bailey. 

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