Chapter 16: Thank the Lord for Second Changes

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Today is the 1st ever Unity Festival in Juniper, Texas. Im excited because i get to see my friends Sam and Jonnie. Since they been away in school they would visit me from time to time. Since the jailing of Victor,  me and my mom where able to fix the daycare and have it functioning. We even had the money to see to the renovations and extended it so that older children can have organized events. 

Everything seems to running smoothly. Now that my mother is stable i feel more at ease. I keep to myself most of the time if i am not working. But its weird, Its quiet around me... And it makes me uneasy. So most of the time i go on solo hikes. 

The phone rings. I grab my cell. 


"Yo Bailey me and Sam are Seconds away from your house."

"Ill be waiting!" I say excitingly. I feel stupid being this excited seeing some friendly faces. Sam and Jonnie come to the door. 

"Hey!" Jonnie says with excitement on his face. I go down and give him a big hug. 

"Its nice to see you man."I say in relief. Sam Smiles at me. I immediately giver her a hug.

"You guys look great!" I say to them. He reaches for my hair. 

"You growing it out?"

 I chuckle. "Yeah trying a new look." They both shake their heads smiling. "I assume you are here for the festival?"

"We are also here to see you! And also see the new addition to the facility." Sam says. "You are coming with us to the Festival I don't want to hear any complaining." I raise my hands up. 

"Nothing coming from me." 

"Good." Jonnie says with a smile on his face... 

A couple hours later and its 8:00pm. I told Sam and Jonnie that i would meet them at the fair. I drive and find them waiting by the entrance talking to one another. I park the car and walk up to them and wave. They wave back I stand next to them with my hands in my pockets. 

"I must say its weird to see a festival here." Jonnie says as he looks around. Sam nods. 

"Very." I look around confused. 

"What are we waiting for?" I ask. They don't  say anything to me they just look at each other like they are trying to figure what to say.

"I got some kettle corn and some drinks!" Yells someone off in the distance. " I Know Sam asked for cotton candy but they didn't have blue so i..." Before me was Reggie holding a huge bag of kettle corn. She looks up and makes eye contact with me. She walks right past me and head straight for Sam and Jonnie. 

I feel like my heart is about to explode. Seeing her face after a year... A wave of old memories flow back to me. 

"Are you coming, Bailey?" I turn to see all three of them looking at me. What the hell is Jonnie and Sam thinking? I nod and join them. 

Through out the night we went on rides. I tried to get looks at Reggie she smiling away with Sam having the time of her life. I remember the way she used to smile at me. The way she looked at me was filled with warm is now filled with an icy cold glare. Her smile is no where to be found when she sees me. 

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