[Chapter 2]

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THE JOURNEY TO YUNKAI WAS LONG AND TEDIOUS ACCORDING TO MAEGON. Mostly because of the almost unbearable heat and few opportunities for any kind of fun on the way there. Maegon rode at the helm of his army on a stallion as dark as night itself. Close to him was Aidan on a stallion of his own, making smalltalk as they moved closer to their destination. Though, when Aidan started to make bad jokes out of sheer boredom Maegon almost pushed him off his horse.

Just when Maegon was about to put his plan of pushing Aidan of his horse in motion he suddenly stopped his hand. On the horizon he spotted the Yellow City, at last they had arrived at Yunkai.

"Finally" Maegon muttered, urging his horse to move faster.

His horse trotted forth and Maegon could hear the rest of his army moving behind him, many of them talking animatedly of a challenge for them that may present itself soon. They all were eager for battle.

Unfortunately when Maegon spotted something outside the city's wall he had to stop. Tents, horses and men were gathered outside, flying a banner of a broken sword on a field of yellow and red. The Second Sons were guarding the gate to Yunkai.

"It seems a challenge is here" Aidan said, his horse stopping next to Maegon who looked out over the sellsword company. "Their numbers are few compared to us, it would almost be a pity to fight them".

"Perhaps we speak too soon of battle" Maegon murmured, spotting several men on the outskirts of the Second Sons camp look their way. "We will make camp here, I suspect we will be hosting some guests in a little while".

Aidan nodded and turned his horse, barking out orders to any one that could hear them, that Maegon had ordered them all to make camp. It did take some time to build up the camp, but when it was done Maegon was sitting comfortable on a grand chair with many pillows surrounding him, wine and food close by to be consumed at his leisure. Aidan was sitting close to him on another chair. Several other men and women of high rank in his army were close by, enjoying some relaxation.

Soon after three men could be seen approaching his camp, being led towards Maegon by some of his own men. The largest of the three walked in the middle, to his left was the shortest man and to his right was a man of medium height, though still looking to be the youngest of the three.

"Here comes the leaders of the Second Sons" A woman presented them, glancing sideways at the largest one who looked at her strangely. Though she is a battle-maiden, as most of the women in Maegon's army are, she could handle it herself if problems arose. "This one calls himself Mero, or also known as the Titan's Bastard" She said, gesturing with a wave of her hand to the tallest of them. "And these two are called Prendahl na Ghezn and the younger is Daario Naharis".

"Please, have a seat" Maegon gestured with a smile to several pillows placed before his larger chair. The men from the Second Sons however refused to sit.

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