[Chapter 5]

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DARKNESS HAD FALLEN AND MAEGON MET SER JORAH AND GREY WORM BEHIND A FORMATION OF ROCKS THAT OVERLOOKED THE GATE HE HAD TOLD THEM ABOUT EARLIER. Maegon had leaned against the large stone and whistled a small tune to himself when he saw the old knight and the Unsullied soldier approach, walking somewhat slow and tense as if they were scared to raise suspicion from the guards up on the walls.

"When you hear a songbirds whistle you will know that the gate is safe" Maegon had informed them, straightening up as to appear taller.

When he saw a faint nod of approval from Jorah, did Maegon turn around and strode up to the gate, his right hand loosely placed on the pommel of Blackfyre. One man stood guard and as soon as he saw Maegon in the light casted by some torches on the wall did he point his spear at him, shouting in Valyrian for Maegon to raise his hands above his head and state his business. Maegon chuckled as he closed in on the guard, doing neither of what was asked.

Maegon now stood close enough so that the tip of the guard's spear almost touched his armored torso. Then he noticed that the young man was shaking slightly and he had to bend his head upwards slightly to see Maegon's face. The gems on his armor shimmered in the light casted by the torches and the Dark Dragon himself stood tall and proud, his very posture oozed power. Frightened dark brown eyes met a pair of calm lavender ones that looked a shade darker this time of night.

"You know who I am, yes?" Maegon spoke in Valyrian to the young man, who almost at command nodded his head feverishly. "Then you would know to not do anything stupid, little boy. Open the gate and let me through".

Hesitantly the guard lowered his spear slightly and took a step closer to the gate and away from Maegon. The Dark Dragon shook his head in disappointment and started to walk towards the guard when nothing more was done. The young man let out a small yelp and cast himself towards the gate, acting almost half snake as he tried to slink in and close the gate before Maegon could get any closer. Unfortunately for him the man he tried to escape from was Maegon Blackfyre.

Maegon took a firm grip on the gate's handle and slammed it backwards. A cracking of bones and a groan of pain told Maegon all he needed to know as he passed through the gate and was met with the young guard on the ground, clutching his bleeding nose with both hands and two other guards who had heard the commotion had come and stood with their spears pointed directly at Maegon.

"Finally" Maegon breathed, rolling his shoulders a few times before unsheating Blackfyre with one long graceful swing. "It has been so long since the last time my sword was bloodied, think you two gentlemen might be of service to rectify that problem?".

The two spearmen made on mistake than would turn out to be fatal, glancing at each other in confusion since Maegon had spoken the Common Tongue and not any form of Valyrian. Neither of them spoke the Common Tongue so they were confused. And that brief second of confusion from the two guards was all Maegon would need. The Dark Dragon struck with such ferocity and speed that one of the two had lost his head with a single swing of Blackfyre before the second had managed to react. Maegon had quietly thanked the gods for the sharpness of Valyrian Steel before pointing Blackfyre's now bloody blade at the two remaining spearmen, one of them with blood dripping from his crooked nose.

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