[Chapter 7]

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THE DRAGON GREEN AS EMERALDS HAD BEEN ON HIS MIND QUITE OFTEN LATELY. Maegon was now more sure than ever that he had found the source of the dreams that had been following him since early childhood.

He had been thoroughly confused, yet also amazed, when it happened. The green dragon Daenerys had named Rhaegal had approached him, refusing to leave his side for a long time. Even after the Queen found them was the dragon hesitant on returning to his mother.

That confusion later swept trough Maegon, from his finger tips all the way down to his toes, when the Queen's handmaiden called Missandei, a freed slave, came to the Dark Dragon with a message.

"The Queen would like to speak with you over supper this evening".

Her voice had been clear when she had spoken to him, but as soon as Maegon had accepted the invitation the young girl hurried away from him with quick steps. It only made him roll his eyes when he thought no one was looking. He quite enjoyed the power he holds over so many by simply being him, though as the girl had left his line of vision an unsure feeling started to settle deep in Maegon's gut. From what he had managed to understand of Daenerys Targaryen as of yet is that she is one of the strongest women he had met this far in his life. A powerful woman with a sharp mind and like her dragons there is a special kind of fury within her, reserved only for her enemies.

Still Maegon is not completely sure if he is considered a true ally or an enemy of hers, that is what frightens him.

To make a continuous good impression Aidan had made the suggestion Maegon dress in his finest silks when he was about to eat supper with Daenerys. He had also volunteered to pick some flowers he would braid into Maegon's hair, to make him just a little more pretty for the Dragon Queen.

In response to that jape Maegon had thrown an apple at the back of his friend's head, causing Aidan to laugh so hard he almost fell off his chair.

First after shutting his friend up did Maegon end up changing into black silk robes with small red details embroided into the fabric. He had also managed to escape his pavilion before Aidan put his plan of braiding flowers into his hair in motion.

It was almost comical how similar the glares were on ser Jorah and Barristan's faces once they noticed Maegon striding towards their Queen's tent. With a glint in his eyes, Maegon plastered a smirk on his lips and swaggered over to the entrance.

Missandei appeared the same time as Maegon had and just by pushing the light fabric to the side, setting up an entrance for the Dark Dragon to go trough, stopped a conversation between Maegon and The Queen's personal guards from striking up. A conversation that would have been filled with insults and thinly veiled threats.

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