[Chapter 15]

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HAD ANY MONARCH OR RULER ON THE KNOWN WORLD EVER HAD PEOPLE OF THE LOWEST SOCIAL CLASS OF SOCIETY ON THEIR COUNCIL? Maegon had certainly never heard of it before he came across Daenerys Targaryen. Now, after spending several months by her side and sitting in on her council meetings as one of her highest ranking generals he had come to see many things Maegon would have thoughts preposterous earlier in life. The Dark Dragon had his suspicions about her, before he even met the Dragon Queen she had freed more than 8000 Unsullied who were now fighting for her as free men, and Daenerys' closest friend and handmaiden was a small, timid former slave-girl going by the name of Missandei. 

A representative of all freemen in Meereen, a short haired young man called Mossador had just finished giving Daenerys a report of what his fellow countrymen were saying. The city is still unstable, former masters angry that they have lost their slaves and are no longer at the top and former slaves are now faced with an entire new way of life to live, many does not know what to do with this newfound freedom and how to start living their free lives. 

The Queen, along with the rest of her advisers, started to draw up a plan for how they would build up Meereen's economy again, this time basing it on better and healthier things such as mining the hills outside the city for metals and gems and agriculture. Maegon thought that these ideas were very wise, but he was still more concerned with more immediate threats to her rule such as keeping the peace in the city and avoid fighting inside its walls as the masters were bound to come up with some form of resistance. 

The dragons bothered him as well. Viserion and Rhaegal remained a relative calm pair, yet still they had the power to bite clean through a man's arm if they looked at them strangely. The emerald green dragon and the one coloured gold and cream both made their lairs in one of the old fighting pits which had been left abandoned after Daenerys took the city. Maegon made sure to visit them as soon and often as time allowed him, bringing meat with him, so they remained well-fed and his bond with Rhaegal could be strengthened and Viserion remain calm enough to not fly off and create chaos somewhere. 

Drogon was of another mind entirely. The black dragon would vanish for days on end and not be seen by anyone. When he did appear he circled the city for a short while, greeting Daenerys, before taking off again. 

The Queen was often downcast about this behaviour and constantly compared how Drogon acted to the other two dragons still in the city. Maegon often told her of the progress he had made with Rhaegal and how their bond became stronger each day, taking it slow to not push the dragon into uncertain territories. Daenerys wanted to hear about what Maegon managed to accomplish, even if Drogon scarcely allowed her to try the same methods with him.

Therefore, Maegon did whatever he could to keep the Queen's mood up and ease her burdens during stressful days. His own soldiers aided the Unsullied in patrolling the streets and keeping the peace while others started to train young volunteers in the arts of fighting so that Meereen would have their own city guard in the future. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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