18- You fuck ANYONE

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"Yuqi it's left, Right, side, spin. Not right, spin, left," Hoseok corrected the females footing, demonstrating it a third time for her to see.

The brunette nodded, a bit frightened by her choreographer. Hoseok was most definitely in a mood, he was annoyed by any little thing or mess up. Yeah, he knew it wasn't fair to the trainees but did he care?


He was just doing his job so he could avoid Yoongi and get out of there as quick as possible. It was odd for Hoseok, to avoid someone. Commonly he would be the one people try to avoid.

Oh how the tables have turned.

"Again!" he shouted, restarting their song that he knew Yoongi composed.

The girls did better this time, but Hoseok continued to act meticulous with them. Correcting any mistake he saw, eventually he became less of an asshole, which the girls were thankful for.

It was about time for the girls to go get their lunch, so Hoseok had them do it one last time.

Thankfully this time they got it perfectly.

Hoseok smiled slightly, "good work ladies, off to lunch you go."

The females bowed, scurrying out of the practice Room and heading to the cafeteria. Hoseok turned around to drink his water, though halted in his actions when he heard a voice he didn't really want to hear at the moment.

"I wish I would have seen you the first day, you're truly amazing at dancing," Yoongi praised from the door way.

Hoseok looked over, showing a bored expression on his features, "Yeah, thanks."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, he doesn't usually compliment people and Hoseok just brushed it off. He also noticed the closed off vibe Hoseok was radiating, very unlike his usual cheery one.

The silver haired male walked over to the taller, placing his hand on the red heads shoulder, "You okay?"

"Just fine," Hoseok stated, brushing Yoongi's hand off his shoulder.

Yoongi was starting to loose his patience slowly, "why can't you just tell me what's wrong with you?"

Hoseok chuckled, though no enthusiasm could he heard through the sound, "why don't you ask Taehyung that?"

Now Yoongi was confused, "what the hell makes you think I would ask him that?"

"Well your face was attached to his," Hoseok now stared at Yoongi, the elder gulping lightly.

"Why do you say that?"

"I saw you swallowing his face this morning," Hoseok may have been exaggerating, but he didn't care.

"No the fuck I wasn't," Yoongi defended, "he kissed me, and I pushed him off."

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "not what I saw."

Yoongi continued to loose his patience, "why the fuck would you care anyway?"

"You know what? I don't care, this just proves that feelings are shit," Hoseok raised his voice slightly.

"Oh my god don't act like you actually had feelings for me, you're just a man whore that fucks anyone you see," Yoongi crossed his arms, his wall building up.

Hoseok clenched his jaw, "well you let me fuck you, twice at that. So that makes you just as much of a WHORE as me."

"It doesn't," Yoongi pointed at the red head, "You fuck ANYONE, I just let YOU fuck me. I wasn't going around town, probably getting an STD, fucking everyone cause I'm a sex addict."

Hoseok now laughed in disbelief, "Didn't you let me fuck you, when i could have had an STD? For your information i'm clean."

"At least I don't fuck strangers."

"At Least I don't fuck people who cheated on me, and treated me like shit."

Yoongi lost his breath at the clear mention of Taehyung. Yoongi didn't know Hoseok was sensitive about the word whore, but Hoseok knew Yoongi must have been sensitive about the topic of Taehyung.

"You know what," Yoongi pushed Hoseok roughly, "no one, is going to love your lust WHORE ass ever! You're a fucking asshole who is going to grow old completely alone!"

Hoseok got up from the floor Yoongi pushed him on, "trust me, i know."

"Fuck you!" Yoongi spat.

"You did."

Without another word Yoongi walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Hoseok let the few tears that were in his eyes slip out, a shaky breath leaving his lips.

Instead of going to his office, Yoongi went to his car. Once he entered the vehicle he slammed the steering wheel a few times, accidentally hitting the horn on the third slam. The silver haired male took a few deep breaths, finally picking up his phone and making a call.

"Hey Yoongi what's up?" the male with an extremely deep voice answered.

Yoongi hesitated before speaking, "Hi Taehyung, this may sound odd due to what happened at the park but...

"Can I come over?"


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