35- I bet you're jealous

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Hoseok instantly stood from his seat, harshly grabbing Seoyun by her hair and yanking her out of the restaurant.

Yoongi wanted to follow after him, talk some sense into the despicable woman as well, but Haechan was clinging on to him like a lifeline.

"I-is grandpa going to hurt Appa now?" Haechan questioned, causing everyone but Jimin to furrow their eyebrows.

Yoongi hesitated but proceeded to pet Haechans hair, seeing as Hoseok liked when people did it to him, his intuition told him Haechan would too and of course he was right.

"Your grandpa isn't going to hurt your appa okay? Can I go check on them for you?" Yoongi questioned, his voice tooth achingly sweet.

Haechan, though teary eyed, nodded; Jimin taking over Yoongis place. Yoongis calm, loving eyes, sharpened like daggers when he found Seoyun and Hoseok, the two at the back of the restaurant.

"What the fuck in your stupid ass fucking brain made you think saying that in front of Haechan was okay!!?" Hoseok yelled, gripping Seoyuns arm harshly, surely leaving a bruise in its wake.

Seoyun winced, "H-hoseok you're hurting me!"

"I don't fucking care, because trust me, i want to beat the shit out of you right now," Hoseok snapped.

Seoyun smirked, "that will send you to jail."

"It wont send Lisa to jail though," Hoseok now was the one smirking, fear now seen in Seoyuns eyes.

Lisa and Seoyun have had a couple encounters, each being where Lisa would almost completely beat Seoyun to a pulp, once doing so in High School. So yes, Seoyun was extremely afraid of Haechan's dear old auntie.

"Hoseok," Yoongi called out, his voice soft.

Anyone could tell Hoseok was pissed off, his neck vain pulsating at a rapid pace, his face red from anger. Though when he saw Yoongi, he noticeably calmed down.

Seoyun scoffed when she felt the grip on her arm loosen, "look your fag."

Hoseok snapped back into his angry state, his grip on Seoyuns arm even stronger than before, causing Seoyun to sob a bit.

"What the fuck did you just call me?" if looks could kill, Seoyun would surely be dead by now.

Yoongi stepped closer to Seoyun, until he was right beside his boyfriend.

"I said 'look at your fag', since you two are so cutely together," she remarked, her expression mocking.

"Listen bitch," Yoongi grabbed Seoyuns hair, pulling her backwards, "i wouldn't be throwing names around, when you're the one who deserves to be in a hospital. What kind of mother would call her kids father a 'fag' in front of their child!!"

Seoyun winced, knowing his words were true, but not wanting to comprehend them properly. In her eyes, Haechan was nothing but a mistake.

"And who the fuck do you think you are to call me a fag, when you always seem to throw yourself at me?" Hoseok chimed in.

Yoongi just smirked, leaning in closer to Seoyuns ear, "I bet you're just jealous i get his sexy ass all to myself," he then released Seoyuns hair.

Hoseok following in suit and releasing the females arm.

"Never, and I repeat, never fucking say such things in front of Haechan, that hurts kids as young as him you fucking bitch. For all we know he could actually be gay, now you just scared him from ever coming out if he is. So I suggest you stop being such an ignorant slut before i call Lisa so she can come knock some sense into the brain, you apparently, don't have," Hoseok warned, reaching his limit with this woman.

Yoongi chimed in a bit, "Haechan is going to hate you when he is older if you keep up with your shit. So I suggest, if you want a good relationship with your son, to quit being a bitch."

Seoyun just stood there, glaring at the couple.

"Im taking him," is all she said, proceeding to walk away.

Hoseok caught her arm before she could, "no you're not, why the hell-"

"You don't get full custody till you give my father the money, i also get to take him whenever i please, so I am taking him," she restated, ending her little speech with a smirk and pulling her arm away from Hoseoks grip.

Hoseoks expression dropped, Yoongi remaining confused, "let me at least say bye to him."

Seoyun just nodded, the three walking back into the restaurant. When Haechan saw the look on his Appas face, he knew he was leaving with him eomma.

Hoseok quickly hugged his son tightly, "i love you champ."

"I love you too Appa!" he smiled, he needed to smile so his father wouldn't worry for him so much.

Haechan ran over to Yoongi as well, "bye bye Yoonie, I'll see you another day."

Yoongi hugged the small boy, "ill see you another day Haechannie," he smiled as well, his full of sympathy.

"Lets go," Seoyun snapped, causing Haechan to flinch and Hoseok to glare at her.

Haechan reluctantly walked out with his eomma, waving a goodbye to his uncles and appa.

Hoseok and Yoongi, were beyond pissed off.

You're welcome

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