54- female dog

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Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows, staring at one of his friends with the upmost perplexion, causing Hoseok to groan in annoyance. It didn't help that he did not get one lick of sleep last night; His mind torturing him with thoughts of Yoongi. Even though the elder has only been gone for a solid 25 hours, Hoseok was still deprived of his lover.

“Let me get this right, okay?” Jaehyun began, starting to speak with his hands. Something he’s done since high school. “You want me, a cop, to help track down your crazy baby momma that kidnapped your boyfriend?”

Hoseok smiled brightly, “EXACTLY!”

“What the fuck,” Jaehyun laughed, leaning back in his office chair.

On cue Jaehyun’s wife, who was a sweetheart, walked in with food and set it down.

Heeyoung gave Hoseok a sympathetic smile, “Seoyun hasn’t gotten any better has she?”

“Nope,” Hoseok sighed, emphasizing the P.

Heeyoung sighed, taking a seat beside her husband. Heeyoung and Jaehyun have been dating since high school, the two having Jeno in their sophomore years of college. Heeyoung was a stylist who worked for Johnny, while Jaehyun was a cop.

Not to mention Seoyun and Heeyoung are sisters, Heeyoung older than the female. Making Jeno and Haechan cousins by blood.

“This bitch only gets crazier and crazier,” Heeyoung stated, always hating her younger sister.

Hoseok rolled his eyes while smiling, “you're telling me, and your appa was no help.”

“He was probably covering up for her, hes always preferred Seoyun over me, especially since i kissed a girl back in freshman year,” Heeyoung stated while gritting her teeth in anger, always having a strong hate for her family.

Jaehyun shouted triumphantly, showing Hoseok his laptop. On it was the location of Seoyun.

“I owe you big time man,” Hoseok smiled, taking a picture with his phone.

Jaehyun nodded at that, “want me to come?”

“No!” Heeyoung shouted frantically, “You're going to pick up Jeno and Haechan, Hoseok and I will go.”

“But Jagi!” Jaehyun whined, Heeyoung smiled while caressing the males cheek.

“No,” she told with a cute smile, pecking his lips.

Hoseok smiled at their relationship, always finding them to be a perfect match. Heeyoung got dressed quickly, getting in the passenger seat of Hoseok's car.

“Ready?” Hoseok inquired.

“Im gonna smack that bitch,” Heeyoung informed with a laugh, moving her black hair away from her face.


Yoongi stared up at the ceiling with a bored expression, happy the cuts on his arms were not bleeding anymore. He hasn't seen Seoyun in about an hour, the female coming in every now and then to make sure Yoongi was still there. Where the fuck else would he go?

“This bitch,” Yoongi groaned, sitting up. The blonde winced when he remembered the cut on his rib cage that stung like a bitch.

He missed Hoseok and Haechan, they had finally got a home together! But this crazy bitch had to get in the way of things, Yoongi really just wanted to fucking strangle her till her face turned purple and he felt her pulse completel-

“Hello Yoongi,” Seoyun cooed, stepping into the room.

Yoongi groaned, “just leave me the fuck alone! Okay you kidnapped me, no need to talk to me you crazy bi- female dog.”

Seoyun showed an unamused expression, whipping out the knife she has used on Yoongi for the past 26 or so hours.

“Okay you casper looking bit-” Seoyun started to say with pure resentment, Yoongi unaffected by her words. Almost laughing right in her face.

The only reason she stopped was because there was someone knocking on the door.

“Seoyun we know you're here, so open the fucking door,” they heard the muffled voice of Hoseok yell.

Yoongi smirked, “oh you are going to get it now bitch.”

Seoyun scowled, shutting and locking the door, running to the front one to greet Hoseok.

“Hello- HEEYOUNG!” Seoyun practically screamed, already backing away from the entrance.

Heeyoung smirked at her sisters reaction, Hoseok walking next to her.

“Hi little sis, miss me?”

“Fuck off!” Seoyun screamed, watching as Hoseok ran to the hallway obviously looking for Yoongi.


Yoongi heard the commotion going on upstairs, so he took the opportunity to scream as loud as his lungs would let him. Which wasn’t much.

Though it was enough for Hoseok to hear.

The younger male threw open the door he heard the scream emit from, going down the stairs and seeing the door with a lock. “Fuck,” he groaned.

Yoongi smiled slightly, “Nice to see you too fucker.”

Hoseok looked through the window he could see Yoongi through, “you look amazing.”

Yoongi met Hoseok’s eyes, “can’t stop flirting for one second?”

“Nah,” Hoseok winked.

The blond haired male heard the ruckus going on upstairs, clearly confused.


“Seoyuns sister, Heeyoung, Jenos eomma,” Hoseok responded, already guessing what Yoongi would be confused about.

“HOSEOK!” Heeyoung yelled, running down the stairs.

The female handed him a key, “I thought you’d need this,” she smiled. “I'm ready to bring that crazy to the police station when you are.”

Heeyoung winked before sprinting back up the stairs.

The black haired male opened the door, seeing Yoongi now passed out the ground.

Hoseok's heart broke, seeing his baby like this because of someone from his past, Yoongi having had nothing to do with it.

Quickly Hoseok picked Yoongi and got him into the car, sitting him in the front seat and driving off.

Praying that Yoongi would be okay.


Warning: I became very VERY emotional writing the next chapter

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