41- You and Hoseok had sex?

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"Appa have you seen my Michael Jackson T-shirt??" Haechan shouted from his room, his appa walking in with an amused expression.

"Have you checked your bag?" he asked, Haechan shook his head.

When he did look, his favorite Michael Jackson T-shirt was there.

"Thank you Appa," he thanked shyly, Hoseok nodded, walking back to the kitchen.

It has been two weeks since Haechan finally moved in with his Appa and was away from his eomma. These past 2 weeks have been some of the best weeks Haechan has had. Haechan never got to spend enough time with his Apps and now that he was he couldn't have been more happy. The young boy already had a bedroom in Hoseoks apartment, which he loved, and now he could stay there all the time.

Haechan was ecstatic.

Hoseok on the other hand...

It wasn't because he had Haechan, Haechan was his world and he couldn't have been happier to have his baby close to him all the time. The problem was his addiction. Hoseok wasn't addicted to sex anymore, no, his addiction was Min Yoongi. The, now black haired male, hasn't even gotten a peck from Yoongi in 2 weeks and hasn't seen him in a week and its slowly eating away at him.

Yoongi has been busy with the entertainment company he and Joon own, Cypher Studios, the two growing very successful with their group Stray Kids, and Hoseoks choreographies. The silver haired male has been so busy he hasn't even been able to talk to Hoseok or even kiss him and he eagerly wanted to see his boyfriend and Haechan.

"HAECHAN COME GET YOUR LUNCH!" Hoseok yelled, hearing the pitter patter of his sons feet as he ran.

Haechan began to eat, though was distracted by his fathers shaking hand. "Appa, is your hand okay?"

The black haired male gave a shaky smile, nodding, "Im fine Haechannie don't worry about me okay? I'm going to take a shower, pl-"

"Don't open the door, I know," Haechan finished his appas sentence, mirroring his dads smile.

Once Hoseok was out of sight Haechan grabbed his appas phone, unlocking it and calling his uncle.


Yoongi groaned, laying his head on his desk. Hes been at the studio for 12 hours, specifically in his office. Hoseok knew better then to call him right now, so when Yoongis phone starts ringing he wasn't expecting to see Jimin's contact appear.


"When's the last time you and Hoseok had sex?" Jimin's voice asked.

Yoongi was taken aback by the question, "well that's a-"

"I don't want to know for my own personal reasons, i want to know for literal medical purposes," Jimin interrupted.

Yoongi sighed, annoyed that Jimin kept interrupting him, "I don't know, 2 weeks?"

"2 WEEKS!" Jimin screeched.

"Yes, why is that so baffling?" Yoongi questioned, typing out a draft for some lyrics he just thought of.

Jimin sighed, "You know how Hoseok was a sex addict, but is no-"

"Now is addicted to me," Yoongi interrupted, smirking when he heard Jimin groan.

"Well," Jimin began, "Hoseok acted like an addict in everyway. Including when an addict is away from their addiction. Hoseok is addicted to you and has been away from you in weeks! Haechan called me saying his appas hand was shaking and his appa has been acting weird. I suggest you call your boyfriend to come see you at work before he passes out."

Before Yoongi could say anything to the idea, Jimin just hung up. The silver haired male took Jimin's warning seriously, and really didn't want Hoseok to pass out in front of his son.

Plus, he wanted to see his boyfriend.


When Hoseok walked out of the bathroom, ruffling his new black hair, he didn't think he would see Jimin with a sheepish smile standing next to his son.

"I'm taking Haechan with me, we're going to go to an amusement park," Jimin beamed, Haechan smiling next to his uncle.

Hoseok scrunched his eyebrows, "I didn't agree, but okay?"

"Bye Appa!" Haechan waved his appa a farewell, walking away with Jimin.

Then they walked out.

Hoseok was most definitely confused, but didn't really question it because he trusted Jimin with Haechan.

Picking up his phone, the dark haired male noticed a text from his boyfriend which only confused him more.

Come to my office, now, we need to talk.


Say Hello to Black Haired Hoseok

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Say Hello to Black Haired Hoseok

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