46- i don't know how

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Two weeks, two weeks it had been since Chaeyoung and Lisa were in the hospital and two weeks since Haechan proposed the idea of moving in with Yoongi.

Hoseok and Yoongi needed to have a proper conversation about the matter of moving in together but for now the topic was left untouched, as if Haechan didn't say it at all.

It has also been two weeks since Yoongi openly admitted that he does love Hoseok, yet he still hasn't told the younger.

The both of them were now very busy. Hoseok busy with choreographies and Haechan, also helping Lisa. While Yoongi was busy with his brother, who was planning to propose to SeokJin, and work.

"Baby I'm going to have to call you back, I need to help Haechan find his favorite blanket for his sleepover tonight," Hoseok said, Yoongi laughed.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later," Yoongi bid his farewell, the younger hanging up the phone.

Yoongi sighed, leaning back in his office chair. He didn't know how he was going to tell Hoseok he had completely fallen in love with him, he wanted it to be special.

The silver haired male didn't plan on loosing Hoseok anytime soon.

The elders thoughts were soon distracted by a knock on his office door, his little brother coming in.

Yoongi and NamJoon both had the surname Min, but since Namjoon didn't want things to get confusing he just used Jins surname instead, Kim.

"Okay so I looked at more rings, and I found this one that might suit SeokJin better than the other one," Namjoon was saying as he walked in, shutting the door and sitting across from his older brother.

Yoongi looked at the younger fondly, the boy showing him the ring. It was simple, yet it looked more expensive than one with diamonds all over it. Joon wanted to style it perfectly, planning on engraving something special on it.

The one he was looking at had small rubies around it, the band a captivating silver.

"It's nice," Yoongi admired, taking the phone to get a closer look.

"Have you told Hoseok?" Joon questioned, leaning back in his chair.

Yoongi sighed, giving Namjoon back the phone, "I don't know how to Joonie, I want it to be special. I haven't been in love like this in awhile."

Namjoon nodded understandingly, taking a bite of his apple he'd brought with him. "You two have active sex lives right?" he asked.

Yoongi was hesitant, but nodded.

"Then wear some shit he'd find appealing, then before you start to have sex tell him you love him," Namjoon suggested, Yoongis eyes lighting up at the suggestion.

"See, this is why I didn't kill you when you were younger," he teased.

Joon rolled his eyes, "or because eomma would have strangled you."


Yoongi laughed, asking, "how long have you and Jinnie Hyung been together?"

"Almost 6 years, and I'm in love with him," Joons eyes showed a type of admiration that Yoongi only say when Hoseok was talking about Haechan, or Yoongi.

"I'm happy you're finally going to propose," Yoongi said with a smile.

"I am too," Namjoon smiled back, his dimples making their appearance.

"Make sure you don't break anything when you do," Yoongi dodged the pen NamJoon threw at him when the words escaped his mouth.

Yoongi kept laughing, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. With a smile still on his face Yoongi opened the text message he had gotten, though his happiness was replaced with confusion and sadness within seconds.

My Sunshine💛☀
We need to break up.

Sorry not sorry, :]

Since i will not be updating tomorrow, because it's my first day of hell :) i am hitting y'all with a double update.

You guys triggered?

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