Keeper of the Lost Cities, Chapter 24

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Her eyes lit up. "I know. We could give each other makeovers. I have all the serums to change our hair color, and we can try on my moms gowns."
"Makeovers?" Keefe scoffed behind them. "You girls sure know how to have fun. Maybe you could braid each other's hair and giggle about boys while you're at it."
Keefe grinned. "Actually, maybe that last part is a good idea. You could get the dirt on Foster, and find out which guys make her heart go pitter-patter."


"What are you guys doing here?" Biana asked, shooting Fitz a pointed look.

"We came to see if you guys want to play base quest," Keefe answered for him.

"What's base quest?" Sophie asked, grateful for a subject change.

"Only the most awesome game ever. I call Foster on my team," Keefe announced.

Jealous flared in Bianas eyes as Keefe wrapped an arm around Sophie.


"So, what are you guys up to?" Della asked.

"Getting stomped in base quest," Keefe grumbled. "You should've seen it—Sophie tagged us out like she knew where we were."

Alden glanced at Fitz—who gave the slightest brief nod—before he grinned at Keefe. "Sounds like someone's not happy about losing."

"I'd just like to know how she did it, but she insists on being all mysterious." Keefe narrowed his eyes at Sophie.

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