Legacy, Chapter 37

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Keefe, unsurprisingly, wasn't nearly as conflicted.

Once his shock wore off, there was a lot of yelling.

And kicking the ground.

And finding stuff to fling as hard has he could.

There was a brief moment where Sophie was pretty sure he'd been crying.

That was when she left him over to Calla's Panakes teee and made him sit on her pile of pillows, wrapping him in one of the blankets to calm his shivers.

Soft melodies whispered through the leaves, and Sophie hummed along to help him find the rhythm.

"I know you can't understand the lyrics," she said quietly, "but it's a really peaceful song about shifting seasons and the forest growing stronger each day. Will you close you eyes and try to listen?"

He sighed. "It was almost over, Foster. We had her."

"I know." She hugged him as hard as she could.


"You... got me E. L. Fudges?" Keefe asked, doing an adorable double take between her and the cookies.

Sophie nodded proudly. "Well, technically my sister stole them from my parents' pantry so I wouldn't have to deal with converting lusters dollars and finding a grocery store and whatnot. It was hard enough convincing Grady and Edaline to let me teleport to see Amy without all of that. So a couple of cookies are missing, but Amy said they open the package last night and they're still fresh. Besides, we all know what you really care about is-"

"The fact that they're shaped like tiny elves!" Keefe said, clapping his hands before he pointed to the label. "Hang on- they call them 'elfwhiches'?"

"They do, Keefe. They do. And that's not even the best part."

"AHHHHHH LOOK AT THEIR TINY FACES'l Keefe shouted as he peeled back the plastic cover. "THIS IS THE GREATEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN- EVER!"

"Greater than when you discovered Fitz sleep with Mr. Snuggles?" Sophie has to ask.

"Um. Yeah. They have names, Foster. NAMES!" He held up one fo the cookies and pointed to the name tag the little elf was holding. "This one's Ernie! AHHH AND THIS ONE IS FAST EDDIE!" he said, snatching a different cookie. "And this one is Buckets! And Elwood! I don't know who named these guys, but whoever they are, they're a genius, I tell you- a GENIUS. Also, I think Elwood kind of looks like me, doesn't he?"

He held the cookie up to his face and raised his other hand in a wave, just like Elwood's pose, and Sophie couldn't hold back her giggle.

"He has your smirk," she agreed.


"Thank you, by the way," he said, tucking the extra cookies he'd pulled out carefully into the container. "This was really amazing, Foster. No, I mean it- don't try to shrug it off. This... is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me- by a lot."

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