Flashback, Chapter 1

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"What?" Sophie asked, wiping under her lashes when she noticed Keefe staring. "Did I smudge it?"

"No, Foster. You look . . . perfect."

She blushed at the slight catch in his voice—and then wished she hadn't when he flashed his trademark smirk.


"You okay?" Keefe asked, flicking a strand of her blond hair to get her attention. "And before you answer, remember: You're talking to an Empath. Plus, you've already pulled out two eyelashes since we got here, and I can tell you're dying to go for a third."

She was.


"We have too many villains," Sophie said through a sigh.

Keefe snorted. "You're not wrong."


Keefe grinned. "You're so adorable when you worry. I've told you that, right?"

Sophie gave him her best glare, and his smile only widened.

He stepped closer, reaching for her hands. "Let's just get through today, okay? Then no one will be distracted by Alvar anymore, and we'll be able to focus."

"Yeah. I guess."

"Hmm." He traced his thumb over the sliver of skin between her glove and the edge of her beaded sleeve. "There's something you're not saying right now. I can feel it."

There was.

The other question she'd been trying not to ask, because she was pretty sure she knew what her friends would say.

"Come on, Foster. It's me. You know you can trust me. And you already know all of my worst secrets, so . . ."

It was the sincerity in his eyes that made her glance over her shoulder again, making sure the room was still empty before she whispered, "Do you think it's weird to punish someone for crimes they don't remember committing?"


Sophie shook her head. "You guys are terrible."

"That's why you love us!" Keefe draped his arm around her shoulders. "You should get in on this, Foster. I'm sure that devious mind of yours can come up with some particularly humiliating ways to punish us if we're wrong."


"I guess I can't blame you, since I already owe you a favor. Any thoughts on what my penance is going to be, by the way? Don't think I haven't noticed how long you've been stalling."

"I'm not stalling," Sophie insisted. "I just . . . haven't figured out what I want."

"Yeah, I know." The teasing tone faded from his voice, replaced with something that made Sophie very aware of how close they were standing. "Take your time," he told her, the words mostly a whisper. "Just . . . let me know when you figure it out. Because I—"

The doors to the hall burst open, cutting off whatever else he was going to say.


"Lord Hunkyhair," Keefe corrected. "What? It's accurate." He tossed his head like he was in a shampoo commercial. "I think we need to make it a thing either way—don't you, Foster?"

"I think you're ridiculous," Sophie told him.

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