Legacy, Chapter 27

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"Why does almost dying have to be the worst?"

"Pretty sure the answer's in the name," Biana said gently.

"So let's rename it'!" Keefe suggested, making his way over to Sophie and draping his arm across her shoulders. "From now on, any time there's a disaster, we'll say, 'Wow, we almost Fostered it!"

Sophie rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious," Keefe insisted. "We'll make it your big claim to fame!"

"So, when you challenged King Dimitar to a sparing match and he sliced a huge gash under your ribs...," Sophie challenged.

"I totally Fostered it!" Keefe finished without missing a beat. "And when you projectile vomit all over the Councillors today, you'll be Fostering it hardcore-"

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