Everblaze, Chapter 49

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Sandor shoved past him. "Stay behind me—and keep in mind that Miss Foster is, and always will be, my first priority."

"Mine too," Keefe said as he fell in step beside Sophie.

"Did your parents give you a hard time about going tonight?" she asked, needing to break the eerie silence.

"A little," Keefe admitted. "My dad has apparently decided that my connection to you could ruin the Sencen name—which is awesome, by the way. Now I get to hang with you and tick my dad off. Win and win!"

He elbowed Sophie until she smiled.


"Actually, I'm pretty sure the journey is just getting started." She pulled back her sleeve and removed her charm bracelet, holding up the black swan charm. "Magsidian can also serve as a leaping crystal, and I've seen it work differently with different kinds of light. I'm betting they want us to use the glow from Lucilliant to leap to the real meeting place."

Keefe grinned. "Cute and smart. No wonder Dex gave you a ring."

"That's—I . . ." Sophie hid behind her hair. "You ready?"

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