Everblaze, Chapter 21

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Sophie removed Keefe's misplaced effluxer.

Keefe stabbed another in its place. "She's not as nice as she looks. Trust me, there was a good reason Alden ran screaming away from her."

"Well, I still thought it was cool the way she defended the Council and the Vackers at lunch yesterday," Sophie argued, removing the new effluxer Keefe had hidden.

Keefe replaced it immediately. "I could do this all day."

"So can I," she told him.

Keefe laughed. "You seriously need to cause more trouble, Foster. I mean, it's been months since you almost blew up the school."


Then he snatched the rest of Sophie's effluxers and raced away, stabbing them in random places all over the grassy field. Sophie chased after him, trying to retrieve as many as she could. But he started putting them high in the trees—just out of her reach.


"Wait—are you a Polyglot?"

"No, but my mom is, and I've picked up a few tricks here and there. Comes in pretty handy." He cleared his throat and straightened his posture. "Attention prodigies—study hall has been canceled. Please proceed to the Leapmaster."

It was a perfect impersonation of Dame Alina, and Sophie couldn't help smiling. "It's amazing you haven't been expelled."

"Did you just call me 'amazing'?"

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