Flashback, Chapter 13

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Keefe tilted his head, his eyes lingering on the braid that Edaline had woven into Sophie's hair the night before, after she'd helped her through yet another awkward sponge bath.


"Okay," Keefe said, leaning closer, "I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get an honest answer to this question, but I'm going to start there anyway: How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

He raised one eyebrow.

"I am! The treatments are working now. I'm getting a little better every day. No more setbacks. No more nightmares."

"Cool. Now how about you try that again with the truth?"

"That is the truth."

It just wasn't the whole story.


"It's called trying to improve my telekinesis," she grumbled, reaching for the scrap—but of course Keefe raised his arm and dangled it just out of her reach. And he was too far away to punch.

"Why would you need to improve that?" he asked. "Need I remind you that you're the Ultimate Splotching Champion? Also the Girl Who Dropped Bronte on His Grumpy Butt—which you should be bragging about more, by the way. Why isn't that embroidered across all of your Foxfire uniforms?"


"Embrace the sparkles, Foster," Keefe told her. "They look good on you."

Any other day she might've blushed.


"Relax, Foster," Keefe said, squeezing her good hand and lacing their fingers together.

"You okay there?" he whispered.
She nodded, not quite ready to use her voice.

Not ready to let go of his his hand either.


"Pick something quick and easy," Elwin said when Sophie nodded. "She's going to need to rest soon."

"Done and done! I was already planning to have us start with telekinesis, since that's what got Foster all swoony about my skills in the first place."

"I didn't get swoony," Sophie felt the need to point out.

"Keep telling yourself that, Foster. Keeeeeeeeeep telling yourself that."

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