{ ONE }

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CHAPTER 1 | Mark

(^ Pic of school's badass and popular jock: Mark ;))

NOTE: Images serve as a visual representation of the characters and they aren't 100% accurate.


Things haven't been easy these last days. So much has happened, and I don't want it to happen again. This is my new opportunity to start over. But I don't know if it will go well. Let's hope so.

The ride to school was silent. I was fidgeting nervously with my fingers, my face down. My aunt looked at me for a brief moment before returning her gaze back to the road.

"You're nervous?" She asked.

"Yes... a bit."

"Don't be. Everything will be ok."

Well, thanks for the advice. That's what they always say.

Again, there was silence. I looked through the window, watching the houses and buildings pass by.
Until we finally came to a stop.

"We're here." She said.

I looked to my left to see a large yard in front of a huge building, which was my new school. There were a lot of people walking around, much more of what I expected. I could hear their chattering and laughs from here.

I sighed and unbuckled my seat belt, but I just sat there. I didn't want to go out.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

"...I'm scared."

"It's okay to feel scared on your first day of school."

"Yes, but I'm the only new in here."

"Look, don't mind them. Just walk out there and act like a cool boy, don't be afraid to talk to people, and soon you'll get lots of friends."

"...I'll try to."

I stayed there for a while more until I finally gained some confidence and opened the car door.

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

And have people stare at me and thinking I still go with my mommy like some little kid? No, thanks.

"No thanks, aunt. I can go by myself."

"Right. So, take care. I'll pick you up at 2."

"Ok, see you later."

I closed the door and started walking towards the big building while my aunt drove off.
My heart was pounding rapidly but I breathed in and out, trying to calm down.

Looking at my surroundings, there were people of all looks. Some of them walked directly through the school's double doors, while others stood out here, or sat down on the grass. Talking and laughing at each other.

People seemed quite nice, at least until now. As I kept walking and looking around, my eye caught sight of a pretty girl talking to another one. She was tall, she had short blonde hair, pink lips. She wore a pair of earrings, a blue tank top and shorts. She laughed at something that her friend said, showing a nice smile full of white teeth. She was really attractive.

I continued on walking and looking around. Maybe I would like being here.

To the right of the double doors, there was a group of 5 people talking. One of them was a guy who was leaning against the wall, and looking at his side while his friends talked.

And boy, was he freaking handsome. His big muscles could be seen through the shirt he wore under his jacket. From where I was standing, I could see the little beard forming on his cheek, though it wasn't a lot. His dark hair was a bit messy, but he looked really good all the way.

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