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CHAPTER 62 | Misapprehension

I don't know how the juridical system works or what terms they use, but I'm trying to do my best. Anyway, if some of you do know and you find something that makes no sense, let me know and I'll change it.

I was sitting nervously in front of one of the small desks of the court room. I was sweating and shaking with so much fear at knowing that my life was at stake. My fear mixed itself with anger and disbelief at knowing the reason for which I found myself in this situation.

I had been blamed for killing Scarlet. And not only that, but for raping her too.

We all know that shit never happened! If she was naked it was because she literally wanted to force me into having sex with her. And if she was dead was because she must've killed herself the instant I left her house and made it look like a rape scene. Everything I was being blamed for was absolutely a lie, but the lawyer that the Hawk family had gotten was giving the judge all the reasons to put me behind the bars of prison.

"We made a DNA test of the weapon that was used to attack the victim. We found Ms. Scarlet's fingerprints over it, but most of all, Mr. Mark's ones. Ms. Scarlet was lying naked on her bed, with cuts and marks all over her body, especially in the area of her neck. And that's not all. The rape was confirmed when we found a sample of Mr. Mark's semen inside the victim's genitals. Even her bedroom window was left open. We came to the conclusion that the events occurred like this: Mr. Mark barged inside Ms. Scarlet's bedroom, raped her, choked her, and after he was finished he decided to end with the poor girl's life, leaving all the evidence for us right there. So it was an easy task to find the culprit." The lawyer had stated.

It was a lie. Every lie they shot at me made me want to stand up and scream all the truth, even if they didn't believe me, but I had the right to remain silent. I didn't know where the fuck they got all those wicked ideas from, but I was sure of something, and that was that they were making it all up. My semen? When the fuck did my damn semen end up in Scarlet's genitals?! Sure, that was in the fucking past, but it definitely didn't happen recently. That's so fucked up!

We all knew for sure that Scarlet was dead. There was no point in arguing about if her death was true or not. What I didn't know was how the hell they came up with so many shit spilling from their mouths. I had two theories: the first one being that Scarlet had created those marks on her body and neck, then made her room a mess and killed herself afterwards so that when her parents found her in her room, made them believe that it was all a murder scene, and obviously her parents couldn't find anyone else responsible but me... My second theory was that everything Scarlet did was to kill herself. Then her parents found her body on the bedroom, and they were the ones who made up that scene, maybe they even made the marks on her neck. About the semen... I don't know, it could have been her dad's, and then they made a deal with the lawyer so they could falsify the DNA test results to make the officers believe it was mine... Still, either one of the two is so fucking sick.

I let out a deep breath as the lawyer continued to talk more shit about me. I turned to look at my right at one of the upper tables of the courtroom. Sitting at one of the desks, was Zack, between Amber and Jaida who rubbed his shoulders, trying to comfort his sobbing. His aunt was standing behind him, also trying to comfort him by rubbing a hand on his back. And then there was my mom, sitting alone on the table behind them, a mountain of tissues already formed on the table due to her loud crying. They all wore serious looks on their faces, except from Zack and my mom who seemed to be the most torn ones.

It broke me to see them like this, especially Zack. What would he be thinking of me now? Judging by all the shit the lawyer and Scarlet's parents are spilling, he must believe I'm a killer, a rapist, a murderer. I don't want him nor anyone to think that way of me. I don't want Zack to lose his trust towards me. That trust that we had developed for each other with the passing of days could be completely destroyed because of this.

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