{ SIX }

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CHAPTER 6 | Christine

(^ Pic of Zack's lovely aunt: Christine)

I exited the school after a while. The yard now filled with the students who were in afternoon classes. They stayed from 2pm to 9pm. I should change to afternoon classes instead of morning, so I wouldn't have to wake up early; and most importantly, so I wouldn't have to see those bastards.
But in the other hand, I wouldn't see my friends.

My aunt's car was already there. I walked to the other side and knocked on the window.

"Zack, what took you so long? I was starting to get worried." She asked as I entered.

"Nothing, just... I stayed a bit longer to talk to someone."

She eyed me for a while. "Are you ok, Zack?"

I looked at her. "Yes, why?"

"You look a bit upset."

"No, I'm fine, really. Just tired, that's all."

"Alright. Well, isn't your friend over here? I can drive her home too."

"No, she went shopping."

"Oh ok, then let's go." She started the car and drove home.

Once we arrived, we entered and I slid my backpack off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I sat on the couch and turned the television on.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Uh, no. Not now, aunt. Thanks." I replied while going through the channels.

"I'll prepare something for when you're hungry, ok?" She said as she pulled out some ingredients from some bags.

My aunt has took good care of me these last months. She always prepared the food, helped me with paying my school and other services of the house.
But sometimes I thought it bothered her to do all that. I mean, I'm not her son. She has a family and she has to take care of my cousins too. I don't want to be a bother...

Anyway, I was grateful that she decided to take care of me since that day.
The day my parents abandoned me...


I finally arrived home, my feet tired from all the walking. I grabbed the keys from my backpack and opened the main door. I heard the sound of thunder high above, following a cold droplet of water that hit my nose. It was going to rain soon. Not that it bothered me.

What bothered me is what I was going to do next.

When I entered, there was my mom eating a piece of cake, while looking at her phone. When she noticed me, she just rolled her eyes and went back to her phone.

"Hi." I greeted.

"Why are you late?" She asked, although not that concerned.

"I had to walk."

She just hummed a response. Then said: "I'll tell you once, there's nothing to eat. So you'll have to go to the store and buy some fries or whatever."

Yeah, nothing to eat. And she was eating that big piece of cake that I don't know where she got it from.

"Ok mom." I couldn't argue.

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