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CHAPTER 22 | Guest

Next day I couldn't concentrate on school, I was just thinking about him the entire classes. I was not in the mood to write any notes on my notebook, so I pretended to write by drawing small circles and lines.

My worry was visible on my face ever since I got home yesterday. I ate thinking about him, I tried to distract myself by watching a movie but I was still thinking about him, I went to sleep thinking about him. When I got to school my worry increased when I didn't see him around. My friends obviously noticed my state and asked me what was wrong. I simply said that I had a headache. It was a half lie, though. All this thinking had my head pounding a bit.

Last time I had seen him was yesterday when he sent me that hateful glare. I haven't seen him around the corridors, or at the cafeteria, not even his group. This is so strange. He must be avoiding me again! Oh no, what did I do? And we had officially become friends just yesterday.

I rested my head on my hand. I should have listened to him. I shouldn't have called the dog. I just didn't know the dog would react that way. Hell, I didn't know Mark would react that way. Who knows what kind of thing he has against dogs. But when Mark says to do or not to do something, no matter what, you must always obey him, and that's not what I did. I disobeyed him and he probably won't forgive me again.

My obsession towards him is so much that I feel all this sickness just by not seeing him one single day. Only some hours have passed by and I already miss him. I feel like I have to be with him at every moment, every day. That's not possible, but I'm content just by seeing him at least from afar, just to admire his beautiful figure and I'm okay with that. But I can't stand not being able to see him. This is wrong. I shouldn't be feeling this way, not for someone who doesn't and will never belong to me.

"Are you ok, Mr. Miller?"

I moved my head up to see my History teacher looking down at me. The entire classroom was empty now. I didn't even notice everyone had left already.

"Uh, yeah. I'm okay." I replied.

"Well, I saw you holding your head, it seems like you didn't hear the bell and you didn't write anything on your notebook. I supposed something was wrong with you." He said.

"Oh, I'm... I'm sorry. I was thinking. Uh, but I will write the rest of the notes for next class. I promise." I said, standing up.

"Okay, I will give you a chance, since you're one of the most behaved students. But if there's anything bothering you, you can always tell me. I'm a psychologist too."


"Yes." He gave me a small smile.

"Oh. Nice."

He chuckled and patted my shoulder. "You can leave now."

"Thanks." I replied and made my way out of the classroom.

This was my last class, so maybe I should go to see if Mark is waiting on the bleachers, but something inside me tells me he won't be there, not after what happened yesterday. I'm still going to check, though. I want to apologize for disobeying him, for humiliating him in front of the soccer players.

My friends already knew that I'd go to see Mark at the end of classes, so I only had to tell them and they would accept. Amber made a comment about me being so in love with him and how cute that was, making me blush.

Ever since I saw Mark sitting alone on the bleachers for the first time, it seemed odd, now it was like a normal thing. He says that he doesn't like getting home early and that's why he stays there for a while. But I also think he stays there so he can talk to me. I hope to find him again.

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