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CHAPTER 12 | Hope

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I still couldn't believe the sudden change of attitude in Mark. On past days I would have never been able to tell him a single word, it would be him who would throw at my face all kind of insults. But just a few seconds ago, being with him was different. I felt scared, but after talking with him, and hearing him call me by my name, I didn't feel that scared now. It was the first time I encountered him and I didn't end up hurt.

I don't know if we would become friends after this. He would never consider me his friend, not to mention that none of his minions would accept me. Not that I'd like to be with them either. Only with Mark.
If we can't be friends, then at least I hope he stops bothering me and insulting me. After all, he thinks I'm straight and that I don't like him.

But that doesn't mean I will look at him as much as I want now. He might get pissed and start to hate me again.

Shortly after he left, I walked out of the classroom too, only to be scared by the sound of a high pitched voice calling my name.


I let out a small yelp as I turned to see my friends standing behind me. Amber had one of those creepy smiles on her face.

Vincent grabbed my shoulders and looked all over me. "Zack, you ok? Did he hurt you? Did he threaten you? Do I have to kill him?"

"Uuh, no, Vin. Nothing of that, I'm fine. We just talked..." I said and he released me. "What are you doing here?"

"We heard everything." Amber said, still smiling. "Well, almost everything."

"You did?" I asked, blushing a bit at what I said.

"Sorry, Zack." Jaida said sincerely. "I told them you had stayed because Mark needed to talk to you, but Vincent didn't think it was a good idea to leave you alone with him, so we came here and we couldn't help but listen to your conversation." She explained.

"Ok, don't worry, Jai." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Well, I thought Mark was going to do something to you, but we were surprised to see you two talking calmly in there." Vincent said.

"I know, I'm surprised too." I said. "But at least I'm glad he didn't do anything to me right?"

They all nodded. "Although he's behaving too nice and happy right now. That's not normal in him." Vincent said placing his fingers on his chin.

"I think he is bipolar or something." Amber said. "Because when we were dating, he would often have these irritating mood swings. One second he was happy and childish, and the other he was all serious and angry for no reason."

I thought for a while. Then maybe that is the reason of his sudden mood change. Probably it won't take long until he gets back to his old self again.
The others seemed to think the same as they nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, why didn't you tell him you liked him, Zack?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Are you kidding? He would have killed me if I'd said that."

"What if not? You never know what he would have done."

"Of course I did. He hated me since a beginning because he thought I liked him. And... well, yeah, he thought right." I muttered blushing, while Amber giggled. "But if I made him think I didn't like him, then he would leave me alone."

"He has a point." Jaida said. "You did the right thing, Zack."

"I did? I mean... thanks."

They chuckled. "Well, let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry." Vincent said.

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