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CHAPTER 63 | Prospective

I stood up from the bed so fast that I bumped my head against the upper bed again. I ignored the pain as I walked towards the officer and he handed me my normal clothes. He left so I could change and I took off these horrible orange clothes to put on my regular ones. I couldn't believe I was actually free and that I was going to leave this hellhole, even though I only spent one day in it. What I wondered was if they finally realized that everything had been a misunderstanding.

The guy who slept on the upper bed must have woken up by the noise, because he sat up and looked at me as I put on my pants.

"Mark? What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm free." I told him with a smile.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah." I said enthusiastically, finishing putting on my clothes.

"Oh..." Was all he said, looking a bit sad.

"Hey." I approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. That Douglas guy won't hurt you anymore after that beating... Well, I hope he doesn't, but don't let that affect you. You're a strong person. When you get released, you will really be free from all of them. And you won't be in the streets for long, I'm sure you will find a better place to stay. Just... Believe in yourself."

Well, there goes my attempt at giving advice.

However, he rewarded me with a small smile. "Thank you, Mark... It was nice to meet you, at least for one day. You're a great person."

"Thank you." I returned the smile before the officer barged in again and told me to get out. But before leaving, I remembered something that I had to ask him. "Wait, I think I never caught your name?"

"I'm Nathaniel."

"Nathaniel." I repeated in my mind, going to give him a quick hug before leaving. "Take care, Nat."

"You too, Mark."

I gave him a last look before I turned around and I followed the officer out of the cell and towards some offices. Once there, I watched as a woman came rushing towards me and pulled me into a hug. It was my mom.

"Mark, my baby! You're fine!" She cried as she hugged me and I hugged her back. "I knew you had never done such thing. I know you just are not like that and yet those idiots put all the blame on you."

"It's okay, mom." I told her softly, patting her back. We pulled away and she looked at my face.

"What happened to you, Mark? What did they do to you?" She asked worriedly at seeing the bruises.

"Nothing important, don't worry. But tell me, what did you do so they could release me?" I asked her.

"I didn't do anything, son. It's someone else you have to thank." She replied with a smile and I was curious about who had been the one who released me.

So after my mom signed some papers, she led me out of the jail and we exited through a pair of big doors that opened automatically at our approach. Standing at the sidewalk was a group of familiar faces who turned to look at me as they heard the doors opening. There was Wyatt, Rupert, Christine, and Zack. He was smiling warmly at me and I couldn't feel more relieved now, after thinking that I would never be able to see his beautiful face again for a whole five years.

"Mom told me about your situation." Wyatt started, looking at me. "And we came here to see what we could do to get you out of there. Zack gave us more details about what happened, and deep inside I knew that you wouldn't have been capable of doing something like what those bastards described. So Rupert and I started an investigation and found this presumed lawyer. We found him and had a conversation with him, pretending we were interested in his service, and we found out that he was actually a private detective. He started talking about his last mission, in which he passed himself off as a lawyer, and that he was given a certain amount of money to put someone in prison, and we knew he was talking about you. He said he had to make fake tests and charges. Everything he revealed was recorded, and... The police wasn't happy at all when they heard that."

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