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The boy's vacation came to an end sooner than they thought. They all made great memories with one another and with there significant other.

Woochan enjoyed their time learning how to make their relationship stronger by watching the others.

Hyunin relationship became more adult-like, but Jeongin will always be innocent in Hyunjin eyes no matter what they do.

Changlix spent there day's together rekindling the romance in their relationship since they always felt sex took over most of there relationship, they're happy to have found it once again. 

Minsung definitely had the greatest with there friends and themselves. Experiencing sex together for the first time and doing it a few more times during there stay with one another. They feel more open with one another and Jisung found himself being less shy with his affection towards Minho. 

Nobody necessarily wanted to go home but Jeongin had to continue filming his show, 3RACHA would be debuting by the beginning of September and they had a lot of practice ahead of them,  Minho would continue with small parts while practicing dancing, Hyunjin had a big audition for his possible big break, and Felix contract with the company would be ending soon as he moves on to become a songwriter at SM Entertainment . All the boys had high hopes for themselves and one another.


It's been a day since the boys got back from the there trip and they were all already doing their own things. Minho was the only one in his dorm as his small parts have become even smarter, he didn't even have lines by this point. He started to feel depressed after only a day of coming back, he felt sick to the stomach from the whispering of his voices beginning to come back in his head. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried to maintain his breathing and keep the voices locked away, he hasn't heard them since his incident at the dance studio and he wouldn't let them come back to his head. He got from his bed and the doorbell began to ring throughout the dorm, Minho runs to the door hoping Jisung was behind it. To his disappointment, it was only Seungmin with flowers in his hand. Minho walks out of the way to let him in as he takes a seat on the living room couch while watching him closely.

"What are doing here? It's must have been three months since the last time we've seen you." Minho asks Seungmin as he stretches himself out on the couch. 

"I was hoping to see Jeongin, it has been a long time since we've seen one another and now that I'm okay with him being with Hyunjin I thought we could hang out like old times." Seungmin smiles as he places the flowers on the coffee table in front of Minho. 

"He won't be back by midnight most likely, he's been busy filming since we got back from our vacation." 

"Why are you here though? With a handsome face like yours, I'd finger you'd be the lead in a rom-com drama by now." Minho laughs at that, the only way he does one of those is if it's gay.

"Are one of you moving out?" Seungmin asks, noticing the pile of boxes close to the door. "Felix contract ends today so he's transferring to SM Entertainment to be a songwriter, he's moving in with Chan boyfriend Woojin tomorrow." Minho bluntly tells him, wishing his contract could be finished already.

"The first one to leave the nest, you think you'll be leaving once your contract ends?" Seungmin takes a seat next to Minho.


"What have you been up to though?" Minho asks him with curiosity.

"I've been focusing on running my own bookshop while dating this cutest girl you'll ever meet, he name is Y/n. I'll introduce you to her if you'd like." Seungmin tells Minho with a heartwarming tone. Minho eyes widen from the word girlfriend as he though Seungmin was gay this whole time. 

"I know exactly what you're asking by that expression on your face. Yes, I'm dating a girl. I'm bisexual so I did truly like Jeongin but after getting over him. I met Y/n when she was the first and only customer to come into my bookshop on the first day of its opening, I ended up thanking her and she asked me out for coffee. I accepted and we've been dating for about a month now." Seungmin explains to Minho. 

"Sounds like a cute love story, I wish you the best." Minho gives him a thumbs up. 

"You didn't answer my question from before, what are you doing here?" Seungmin asks again.

Contemplating suicide 

"Relaxing. I usually have small parts in the morning and then I'm mainly done for the majority of the day. Tonight I promised Jisung I help him with dancing, so that'll be nice." Minho shrugs softly.

"Who's Jisung?" 

"My boyfriend of almost three months. He's great, I love him a lot." Minho smiles softly.

"That's great. I'm happy to hear you found someone as well. You use to be so depressed every time I saw you or talked to you. It was worrying sometimes by how quiet and cold you looked half of the time. I'm glad your better, but I have to get going now. I have a date with Y/n tonight, friend me on snapchat if you ever want to chat." Seungmin smiles at Minho waving him goodbye as he walked to the door by himself. The door shutting erupted throughout the door as Minho felt alone once again. 

You're not better

You still feel sad, depressed, and frustrated.

Just kill yourself Lee Minho

Don't burden people with your problems 

The voices came back and one by one, Minho began to lose himself all over again. Tears building up in his eyes as they began to slip down his cheeks. 

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