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A month passes by since Minho suicide attempt, he's been in the hospital since. You can see he went crazy during the end of his first week being there.

He tore his stitches open and Jisung had to pin him down from doing any further tearing to his stomach that had to get re-stitched up.


"I can't do this! I can't be here! I don't want to be here!" He scratches at his stomach violently to loosen the string of the stitches. The voices yelling in his ears. Blood began to cover his hands as the slits on his stomachs are open once again to begin bleeding out.

Jisung rushes in to see the blood soaking through his hospital gown. He began calling for help, running to Minho beside to get his hands to stop scratching his stomach. Minho fights back with his hands as Jisung gripped his wrist. Tears slipping down his cheeks as he was pain mentally and physically with himself.

"Calm down!" Jisung told him as he pinned his hands over his head on the bed. A group of help immediately entering as Minho was sedated.


The second week he cried in his sleep and screamed out for his mother abuse to stop, Jisung woke up to record it all and get serious help.


"It was just an accident Eomma." He screams in pain. 'Idiot' ringing his ears with many more hurtful words. Tears slipping down his cheeks followed with more screams.

"I didn't mean to! Please!" He screams got louder as he tossed and turned in the bed. Sweat began to form on his forehead and body. Jisung stood beside his bed filming the whole thing with one hand covering his mouth to stop from crying out loud to hard. He needed just a little more for the docotor to see before waking him up. 'That's all'.


The third week he attempted Suicide for the fourth time by trying to jump off from the hospital roof, but Jisung caught him just in time.


It was light steps towards the edge of the hospital roof. The wind flowing in his direction to make his hair fall back to expose his forehead and gown raise up to reveal his stitches slightly. He found himself at the edge and looked down to see cars passing by and ant like people walking on the sidewalk. He wondered if any are looking up to see him ready to jump.

'It's not like they care' He thinks to himself.

The door to the roof is heard cracked open as Jisung rush of steps began running to him. Minho eyes are closed, arms spread out as he let the wind blow him forward. He felt himself lean forward and waited for his body to just smack against the concrete or road, but instead he squinted his eyes open to see himself floating. He looked behind his shoulder to see Jisung holding onto his gown tightly as he pulled him harshly for his back to hit his chest. Minho was in shock with Jisung saving him yet again, he finally thought that maybe the universe did want him to live.

Jisung arms wrapped around his waist to just hold him, let him know he's here and that it's okay. Jisung just wanted him to be safe.


By the fourth week Minho was placed in the psych ward of the hospital.

3RACHA comeback was pushed back due to BigHit understanding Jisung situation with Minho at the current moment. He told them he just needed at least two months to get him at a stable state. A week into September after the terrifying month of August, Minho was finally put on antidepressants & seeing a psychiatrist. Jisung has been by his side throughout the whole experience, he promised after all.


Minho sat up in his hospital bed reading a romance novel. His room was white but Jisung attempted to make it homie by hanging pictures from there LA trip and previous dates. He even brought Minho comfy clothes in bundles to make him smile, it was finally a true smile. Jisung was being the best supportive boyfriend we could give a 10/10 to. He bought Minho a fluffy blue blanket and fuzzy socks to keep him warm during the cold nights in his room. Minho appreciated everything he was doing and just wanted to be able to say it without the voices doubting his feeling of security.

"Jisungie?" Minho looks up from his book to see his boyfriend reading his own book. He hums for him to continue, Minho takes a breath in before getting out of the bed to release it. He walks over to Jisung and stands behind his chair to wrap his arms around his neck. Jisung stops reading when Minho places his chin on top of his head. He finally felt affection from his boyfriend, even it was small; it was a start.

"I love you Jisungie." Minho tells him, a soft smile spreading across his lips. Jisung felt his heart beat quickly by those words, it being so long since he's heard them.

"I love you more." He responds, he felt like crying and he didn't understand why.

"Can I kiss you? It's been a long time and I want to remember what your lips taste & feel like." Minho asked in a shy tone, mumbling into Jisung hair.

"S-sure" Jising stuttered as it felt like the most magicial reconnection was going to happen.

Minho removes his arms from Jisung neck to pick his head up and walk in front of him. He grabs his hand and pulls up from his seat to stand in front of him, there noses brushing against each other. Minho couldn't help but giggle, he was shy because its been so long but he could see the excitement in Jisung eyes.

He wraps his arms around his neck while Jisung wraps his own around his waist. Minho tilts his head and presses his lips against Jisung but he began to laugh against his lips. Jisung kissed him back but he began to laugh also. It was like watching two first timers learning how to kiss.

After 30 seconds of awkward laughing and pecking they finally came back to their senses. Jisung lips parted to let Minho lips to kiss bottom lip while he kissed Minho top lip. There lips moved in sync with one another with there bodies pressed against each other. Jisung slipped his tongue into Minho mouth to engulf his lips as the room grew heated. Their tongues played with one another as Minho hands ran up into Jisung hair to play with. Jisung hands ran down Minho back to squeeze his ass, it earn a moan into his mouth.

They pulled away with flush cheeks and a string of saliva connecting their lips. Minho finally remembered the taste of Jisung plump cherry lips, Jisung remembering the sweet taste of Minho honey chapstick. There lips tingled and throbbed from the heated make out session. They both wanted to do so much more but they couldn't while still being here for Minho mental health.

'Just a little longer' They both thought and hoped.

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