Chapter 5

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I wait patiently for Leo. He and his teammates have gone to the showers so he'll be back out when he's done. I don't really do anything other than sit here and tap my fingers to an unknown beat against the cool metal of the bleachers.

"What's that you're playing?" A familiar voice asks a few minutes later.

I glance back to find Leo standing on the steps fresh out of the shower. His hair is still damp, cheeks slightly flushed either from the heat of the showers or the outdoors, who knows. He's wearing light jeans and a plain navy top.

"Nothing," I answer, getting up from the bleachers to join him on the stairs. "Was just passing the time."

Leo hums in response, standing before me with a gleeful expression. The two of us stand here for a moment, Leo staring at me with a huge smile while mine slowly turns to confusion.

"Are...we waiting for someone or something?"

"Oh, no, no, just, uh, we can go now," Leo sputters, gesturing towards the parking lot. I nod and start heading out first since he doesn't move until I do.

We get to his parents car, Leo hopping into the drivers side while I slide into the passenger seat. He seems a bit restless, eyes glancing to me while the two of us put on our seatbelts. After they click, he starts the car up, clears his throat then asks, "Where do you want to eat?"

"Wherever. I don't have a preference."

"Chicken wings?"

"Chicken wings are good."

Nodding, Leo pulls out of the lot. The only sound comes from the humming of the engine. It's as awkward as I expected it to be, ten points to Slytherin! Leo, on the other hand, seems a bit down about it. His knuckles are turning white until he stretches his fingers then tries to hold the wheel again.

I should say something to lighten the tension but what's there to say? Knowing me, I'll end the conversation I start in under a minute. Maybe even forty five seconds. I'm almost tempted to try and test it out.

"Were you bored?" Leo asks out of the blue.

"No," I slightly lie. The game had boring moments, but overall, it wasn't terrible. I'd go again if he asked me. "Why?"

"I, well, I noticed you left near the end of it so I thought you weren't going to come back."

Oh, I didn't even think about Leo noticing my absence. I guess it's hard not to notice when there aren't as many people. Judging by the relief, but also concern, on his face it actually bothered him.

"Ah, actually, I saw a guy trying to break into someone's car," I explain.

Leo's eyes shoot open in shock. "W-What?!"

"I got up to tell security and waited for them to check it out."

Technically, it's not a complete lie. I did see a guy trying to break into a car, but it was me who checked it out and got rid of him. Still, it's a believable story as I told it and Leo seems somewhat better after hearing it.

"Did he take anything? Was he arrested? What happened?"

"He ran off when he got caught, didn't manage to take anything though."

"Micah, that's crazy! But it's great that you told someone."

I cock a brow at that, looking at the smile on Leo's face. "Well, obviously I told someone. Why would I ignore it?"

Leo shrugs, seeming to find my question odd while I find his shock odd. It's an oddity fest up in here. Turn up the music.

"Some people don't care enough about others to say anything. You know, you're a bit surprising sometimes."

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