Chapter 16

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On the bus ride Leo sits by the window with his hands in his lap. He got too nervous once there were more people around and I can't necessarily blame him for that. He's not exactly announcing his sexuality to the world yet so I'm fine sitting next to him. Some might say the silence between us is awkward, but I'd argue it's unbelievably comforting. Although neither of us say a word, Leo will look at me from time to time and smile when he realizes he has my attention. Then he'll look away all giddy and act like he wasn't caught staring at me.

It takes about thirty minutes to get to our stop. When the bus comes to a halt I step up and allow Leo to get out then hop off the bus before me. The tickets are in his pocket, which he's digging through now before holding them up with excitement.

"Ah, wait, are you hungry? Do you want to grab something to eat before we go in?" Leo asks. The zoo entrance is right ahead of us, but looking around, I see a few restaurants nearby.

"Probably cheaper to eat out here."

Leo nods then looks from side to side in an attempt to find a place. I watch on in amusement, wondering if he'll have the guts to suggest one or wait patiently for me.

When he ends up just smiling and staring at me, I take that as a time to point to a random restaurant and ask, "How about that one?"

"Ok, cool! Yeah, we can...we can go to that one." Leo looks ready to slap himself in the face. I'm half expecting him to, instead, his smile falters and he walks robotically to the crosswalk. Oh, today is going to be a good day, I can tell. Hold it in, Micah. Contain yourself. Be a bit nicer than usual. We don't want to mentally scar him.

So the two of us waltz over to the restaurant. I hold the door open, watching Leo duck in with the same robotic movements. His reactions make me try and remember if Leo has ever "dated" anyone before. Thinking back on it, I remember once or twice Leo talking to a girl and rumors going around school that they were together, which obviously weren't true. But I wonder if Leo has ever met up with a guy and, if not, does this count as his "official" first date? Because, damn, if that's the case then I really have to be on my best behavior.

Wow, suddenly it feels easier to rob a bank.

A waiter takes us to our table where we order our drinks then are left with our menus. I'm reminded of the time Leo asked me for advice with the way he's hiding behind his menu again. Grinning, I set mine aside and wait patiently for Leo to decide. He remains hidden until our waiter returns to take our orders, walking away only to be stopped by a waitress.

Before Leo, or I, can even speak, the girl asks, "Did you hear about the cops nabbing some crazies that were planning to rob a bank today?"

"What?" Our waiter asks just as Leo turns in our booth to listen in. I act like I don't hear any of it.

"Yeah, apparently someone called it in, but they don't know who. There were plans and everything, it's all over the news already!"

Now Leo is staring at me with wide eyes, likely remembering what I told him earlier. I'm sipping on my drink, glancing at him with innocently blinking eyes. I can tell he wants to ask then probably thinks it's crazy and gives in. Still, the look remains, like he's starting to think the silent protector title may actually be true. If he only knew.

"So, did you have to buy tickets early for the zip line?" I ask, deciding to start conversation rather than allow Leo to consider simmering in his thoughts. The last thing I want is for him to actually try and piece together what happened, though I doubt he could. I still can't really believe it, or the fact that it's over.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I already got them!" Leo announces happily.

"Not scared of heights, are you?"

"Mm, not like that?"

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