Chapter 17

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It isn't until Monday morning that it really hits me; it's over.

Mom is shocked to find me watching the news, which I have been doing all weekend to keep up with what has been going on. Clover and Co. are arrested and have even led the cops to some rather unsavory characters. There is no mention or pictures of Kane, which is relieving since the last thing I wanted to do was break his cover. There is a possibility that, in the future, they could get out. I don't know when that will be or if it's even true, but I will make sure to keep up with everything. The last thing I want is to be jumped by these idiots in a dark alley one, five, or ten years down the road.

"I'll see you later," I call to Mom after clicking the TV off. She's getting ready herself, smiling when I walk into the kitchen. She's almost done eating her breakfast when I press a kiss to her cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too. Let me know if you and Leo make any plans after school."

I hum in response and wave goodbye, walking out the door to catch the bus a few minutes later. Leo always goes to school earlier and hits the gym so if we end up working out together then he best decide to change that to the afternoon. There's no way I can get up before 6am. I have a hard enough time as it is!

It's strange how everything's back to normal yet everything feels so different. A part of me says it's paranoia; that this ordeal is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Honestly, it probably will, what with me having to keep it a secret and all. At the same time, I'm almost grateful for it. Now I know just how serious this power of mine is and what it means to have it. If I'm going to continue going around the city acting as some vigilante then I'll have to be as careful as I can.

Self defense classes are a must at some point. Working out is too. Getting myself a disguise, even if the thought of it makes me snort. What am I going to do? Carry it around in my backpack and hope Beckett's nosey ass doesn't find it? Maybe I'll be like Superman and wear it under my clothes. I have no clue, but the fact remains that I can't let people know who I am. I can't risk it and, whether I end up being like some cheesy hero in comics or not, it's better than being in the open like this.

Then there's the question of what I'm really trying to accomplish. Is this my way of being "special?" Everyone has that wish, to be good at something whether it's as an artist, as a lover, as a friend, they want something that is for them; strictly for them. Is this mine? And if so, is it a good reason to keep this up? Or am I really just too nice for my own good? I've been asking myself this a lot lately and it never feels like I have the "right" answer.

Maybe that's just it, there is no "right" answer, but rather a multitude of answers that simply make me, me. That's the best I can come up with and that's all the thought I'm going to put into it, for now anyways.

Once at my locker, I notice a familiar face heading down the hallway. Leo smiles while walking slowly over before stopping in front of me. I'm not sure what our status is going to be at school. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to keep it quiet, but I hope that changes.

"H-Hey," he says shyly followed by a wave.


"Uh, do you have plans after school?"

I shake my head no in response, shutting my locker door afterwards. "Nope, why?"

"I was just thinking we could...hang out."

"Hang out?" I smile, causing Leo to nervously scratch at his scalp. "Like steal some beer from our parents fridge and sit on some swings like moody teens, hang out?"

Leo rolls his eyes. "No, a date hang out."

Although Leo whispers the last part, I can tell it's yet another one of his "testing the waters." I'm uncertain if others heard, if they had no one stopped to stare or said anything. Still, I give Leo a proud smile and reply, "Sure, we can do that."

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