Chapter 7

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Leo never returns and I'm not sure how I'm meant to interpret that. I would text him but I don't have his number so I go to sleep without much of an answer. I don't have time to speak with him the next day either because I go out with Beckett and Misty. Most of the day I'm thinking about it, which means Beckett tries to ask what's bothering me, to which I always reply, "You are."

He eventually stops asking. I've trained him well, while Misty...

"Are you and Leo a thing yet?"

I stare at her like she's grown a second head. "What?"

"You two have been spending a lot of time together. Beckett said he even came over to your house yesterday!"

"We're neighbors."

"So? I don't even speak with my neighbors."

"Are you sure they just aren't speaking to you?"

Misty scowls. She walked into that and she knows it.

"Hey, what's wrong with telling us about your super hot neighbor that you're possibly dating?" Misty huffs, crossing her arms with a cute pout. Beckett practically turns into a pile of goo just from looking at her. I roll my eyes. He's ridiculous.

"We're not dating." I sigh.

"So you agree that he's super hot?"

"I would have to be blind not to agree with that."

Misty giggles and Beckett returns to his natural solid state in order to return his attention to me.

"Tell me you at least have his number now," he says like he's lecturing a kid for taking a cookie from the cookie jar.

I take a sip from my drink, which gives Beckett his answer. Their jaws drop in unison. Huh, fascinating.

"You don't have his phone number?!" Misty cries in disbelief. She actually looks offended. "How? Why?"

"Never asked."


I shrug. That's a good question. It never came up in conversation. Either way, I stop answering their inquiries, choosing to eat my food in silence. Eventually, the two stop asking upon realizing that, no, I am not playing their game anymore even if I do agree that it's stupid that I don't have his number yet. I wouldn't be wondering how things went with his parents if I had it, but whatever, it's too late now.

That night Beckett brings me home. I wave goodbye to the crazies while they pull out of the driveway and head off down the street. Once they're gone, I head for the nearest bus stop. It's been a while since I've gone out on my own. I've been a bit busy with Leo so I'm starting to feel restless. It's official. I am an adrenaline junky with an addiction. Someone send me to see Dr. Phil.

My evening is pretty chaotic, actually. Upon reaching town, I find myself getting into all kinds of trouble, or rather, getting others out of said trouble. First, there's a lady that gets her purse nabbed like in the movies. I'm somewhat impressed it happened. She's shouting at those around her in hopes for help but gets none. Why would she? She's a stranger. But I happen to catch the incident and run after the thief, tripping the idiot before he gets more than a block. It's fun watching him face plant. Even more so seeing his wide eyes when the purse is lifted off the ground. He screams so loud I think he shatters my ear drums before running. I throw the purse around the corner and watch the lady hesitantly, and definitely very confused, walk over to grab it. She looks around for whomever helped her, sees no one and walks off, looking over her shoulder as she does.

Then some poor kid nearly gets mugged in the park. Four on one isn't exactly a fair fight, unless you're me. He looks younger than me, nervously handing over his wallet and shaking like a leaf. One mugger is pulling the money out while the others are huddled around the poor boy snickering until I punch one and they all panic. I have to cover my mouth to hold back my laughter when the muggers start throwing punches at nothing. They're swinging their arms, nervously shouting and screaming after every hit I give them. Doesn't take long before they all run off screaming about ghosts. The kid resembles The Scream painting. And I'm fairly certain he's going to pass out based on how blue his face is getting, but he ends up running away in fear, also shouting about a ghost.

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