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Are you going to make more books that coincide with this one?


Will there be a sequel?

Also nope.

How did Micah's family get their powers?

Ah, this was explained in the first chapter. It's passed down and, just like in TNSSH, mutations will eventually happen to everyone so Micah's family just evolved quicker than everyone else. Since they didn't exactly know about others they were unaware of what it was so no one ever said anything to anyone else.

Will he meet other eh... gifted people?

Eventually, yes. In my mind Micah is like the very starting point of mutants becoming known. While more info will spread online and people will start questioning if there are others around the world, Micah will never directly meet or get involved until later in life.

Will he work with the police?

Technically, he kinda does? He calls them up if something is out of his hands but anonymously. However, he'll never "officially" go into the police and make himself known.

Will Micah and Kane keep in touch?

Not now? Kane was undercover, so best if they don't but I think they'd find each other later in life, say Micah's thirties or so.

What will be the largest thing he will ever make invisible?

A two story house, like typical sized but only because it's stationery. Smaller vehicles he will eventually be capable of turning invisible while moving but not, say, a large truck.

Will Leo be a soccer pro?


To Micah, have you considered telling Beckett and Misty about your powers?

As much as I say I want to kill my friends I don't actually mean it nor do I want to put them in danger so, no, I don't consider telling them.

Could Micah's mom have phased through a bullet?

As some people tried to point it, there is a possibility she could have. However, Micah has practiced and trained to use his abilities thus learning what he can and can't do. In fact, he's still learning, and this is stressed on multiple occasions, so hint hint to some issues concerning mutations, whereas his mom is adamant about not using hers. In my universe, no, she could not phase through a bullet at this time, because in this version of mutations, you have to train up and actually use your abilities frequently to get a firm understanding and control over them. In other words, had Micah told her the truth and she attempted to phase through a bullet, she would have died. Some said she could phase through a knife, which she could IF she KNEW it was coming. If someone walked up behind her when she doesn't know they are there, she'd be dead. Also, Micah will not risk the lives of his loved ones on a chance. This is both a good and bad character trait as he could have asked for help, but chose putting his life in danger rather than endangering others.

Then will other people ever know i.e. Beckett and Misty?

Yes, but only after mutants are actually making themselves known. I do think they will suspect something is going on at some point since there are times Micah is seriously injured. However, the most people that will know at any given time are Leo, Beckett, Misty and, obviously, Micah's mom. Since he is at the beginning stage of mutants they aren't as accepted as they are in TNSSH.

Will he/they ever move?

Like out of their parents house? xD I sure hope so! But, yeah, they'd move based on whatever soccer team Leo will join.

How old is Kane?

Honestly, didn't have a lot of info for Invisible Boy but I always imagined Kane to be in his mid to late thirties.

How would the end of the relationship of the two look like?

This is probably the couple I can see spending their lives together forever without any sort of disruption so...it'll never end!

What are their Hogwart Houses?

Micah is definitely a Slytherin and Leo is a Hufflepuff. Beckett and Misty are Gryffindors.

How long has Micah been friends with Misty and Beckett?

Micah has been friends with Beckett since elementary school but he hasn't known Misty as long, a little over a year. He only got to know her because Beckett liked her.

When did Leo first develop feelings for Micah?

Ever since Micah came out. At first, he just looked up to him but admiration turned to affection real quick.

What was Leo's first impression of Micah?

Nothing special? I'd say he just saw him as "the quiet boy next door."

What did Leo think about the kiss and date?

He was definitely really nervous but ultimately happy that Micah had the guts to really initiate it. At that point he was too nervous to do it himself so he's grateful Micah was there to give him a push.

What quality of Micah does Leo like the best?

Bravery and honesty. Leo thinks Micah is the bravest and coolest guy there is, even before he knows about his powers.

To Leo: On a 1-10 scale, how much do you like Micah romantically?? ;3

Isn't that obvious? 100.

To Leo: Did you ever think Micah would reciprocate your feelings?

Hahahahahahaha, no.

To Leo: What did you think happened at first when Micah met up with you looking disheveled?

I thought he was too blunt with someone so they beat him up for it. Honesty is good but sometimes Micah is a little too honest.

To Micah: Which parent do you think gave you this gene for invisibility?

I don't think, I know it was my mom. It was passed down in her family.

That's all for the questions so, as per usual, onto my cheesy thanks and shameless self advertising!

Again, thanks so much everyone for sticking around. When I started Wattpad I kept more traditional stories up such as teenage romances with nothing really supernatural about them. However, my fantasy and hero stories have been doing exceptionally well and that relieves me more than I can explain. Sometimes I feel like LGBTQ+ novels are only counted as "good" if they are purely sexual so I'm very happy that stories like IB, TNSSH and HWWBK have been doing well. It's giving me back hope in humanity lol And I'm grateful so many of you are sticking with me, even trying out stories that aren't your cup of tea then coming to love it. Thanks so much for all the love and support! I promise to keep doing my best and giving you guys something to read that will, hopefully, bring some light in your day ^_^

Onto the advertising lol

Ongoing Free to Read Novel:

The Secrets of Lore Seymour

Completed Free to Read Novels:

He Who Will Be King
Invisible Boy
What Makes a Monster
Dear Caleb
Fools in Love
14 Days
The Lonely Ones

Completed Paid Novels Available on Tapas:

Speak the Truth
Riddle Me This
Whisper Woods
The Not So Super Hero
The Antidote to Doubt
Save the Demon King
Reborn as the Villain's Lackey

Ongoing Comic Available on Tapas:

Speak the Truth (adapted from the novel)

Completed Comic Available on Tapas:

Love Algorithm

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