Chapter 6

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It's not unusual to wake all hot and bothered because of a boy. It is unusual for that boy to be Leo though. I suppose hanging out with him yesterday explains why I would have an absolutely wonderful dream about him with far less clothes on, but still, can you not get so worked up, body? We need to keep ourselves composed around the hot soccer boy next door that we now know could possibly be interested in us and...this isn't helping. I need a cold shower.

That is exactly what I get, a very cold shower before heading downstairs to get some breakfast. Mom is already up and moving about outside in the garden. She'll probably ask me to help pull weeds later so I better run like the hounds of hell are at my heels before she can do that.

As if Beckett somehow heard my thoughts, my phone goes off from his text. I'm not surprised to see his words in a complete mess asking how last night went and if I'm still single. I roll my eyes and reply with two words, still single.

My phone rings. I don't answer it and eat my breakfast. It rings again so I put it on silent. About thirty minutes later, after I have eaten breakfast and went back upstairs to play games, the biggest annoyance of my life arrives.

"Why do you always ignore me?!" Beckett hollers into my room after practically kicking open the door.

"Put a dent in my door and you're replacing it."

"We wouldn't have to worry about that if you answered your damn phone."

"I did answer. You just wanted to pester me."

Beckett pouts before dropping next to me in one of my bean bag chairs. With his arms crossed, he glares at me while waiting for some sort of response, probably an elaboration. Obviously, I don't give him that and it results in him asking, "So what happened?"

"We had dinner."


"Came home."

"I hate you so much."


Beckett grumbles about me for about ten minutes before finally realizing that, nope, he ain't gettin' anything out of me. So, with a heavy sigh, he joins me in playing some video games while talking about Misty. Apparently, she wants him to go to a family get together, which he's pretty nervous about. I don't blame him. He's such a screw up, something is bound to happen. When I voice this he nearly goes into tears. Ah, it feels so good to be an unsupportive friend. I make him brownies and feed him a couple later though so all is forgiven. Then, sometime before dinner, Mom shouts something a bit shocking up the stairs.

"Micah, Leo's here, I'm sending him up!"

Beckett looks at me with such a perverted grin that I shove him out of the chair then kick him in the ass until my bedroom door opens. I'm not sure what Leo is thinking about when he sees me assaulting Beckett, who's still grinning like a madman, but judging by his cocked brow, it's probably pure confusion.

"Leo!" Beckett shouts and jumps to his feet. "Hey, what's up?"

"Uh, I was just—" Leo bites his lip and Beckett takes that as his cue to leave because he's a jerk like that.

"I actually have to go, what a pity, we all could have played some games. We'll have to hang out some other time," Beckett says quickly and it's so obvious he's trying to run off that even Leo appears a bit uncomfortable.

Still, Beckett smiles, saying goodbye to the both of us then runs out the door...only to peek his head back, but not enough that Leo can see him. He gives me a wink followed by a thumbs up. That's it, I'm going to kill him and shoot his remains into space.

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