Chapter 12

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I wish I could say I'm not scoping out the bank I'm meant to rob come Saturday morning, but alas, this is my life now. The pieces of garbage forcing me to do this are waiting across the street in a hotel room, keeping tabs on the bank through the window. At least Kane is there as well. Although he has to treat me like crap in front of the others, I feel better knowing he's on my side.

While they wait for my return, I'm checking out the inside of the bank to make sure the blueprints were right. Obviously I'm the best option for this particular job, but after what I heard between Clover (he never told me their names so it's best I go with the nickname) and Kane the other day, their gang or whatever doesn't "own" or "work" in this part of town. Seems it is best if they aren't seen so might as well send the invisible boy to scope everything out. Lucky me.

Clarity Bank is more upscale than others I've seen. It's in a nicer part of town, even the customers seem higher class with expensive looking attire and jewelry. I'm not surprised they picked this place, not to mention Kane seemed hesitant with the plan. They probably have pretty nice security, which is proven correct when I see two armed security guards standing just inside the glass doors.

I follow an elderly woman through, slipping by people so they don't run into an "invisible wall." Inside is even nicer with a dazzling chandelier overhead and marbled flooring. The bank is pretty busy with some customers following office workers into cubicles or offices while others are going up to the tellers. No one notices me slipping behind the counters or traversing the offices upstairs.

From what little I can remember of the blueprint, everything seems to be right. I find the vault, safe, whatever one wishes to call it, very easily. I stand there for a moment watching people walk by until one finally has to open it to hand out more cash to the tellers. Peaking my head inside, I find far more cash than expected.

Now days most people use online banking or credit cards. I didn't actually think banks held a lot of cash on site, but this is a bank for a bit more of an upscale area. I suppose more people equals more chances of someone wanting cash. There's also the fact that Clover claimed there will be even more brought in Friday night. This only makes me hope even more that the plan with Kane works. I don't want those idiots getting their hands on any of this.

After about an hour of walking the entire building and checking the multiple exits I've been told about, I finally leave. My head's starting to hurt a little, which is odd since being invisible this long hasn't bothered me before. The stress must actually be getting to me, but I manage to remain unseen all the way back to the hotel room.

"What did I tell you guys? Piece of cake," Clover says when I appear at their sides. Mop Head and Blondie are grinning from ear to ear. "So, what'd it look like in there?"

"Fine. Everything is where it should be," I answer begrudgingly. The expressions on their faces tell me they are having more fun teasing me than thinking about the robbery. That's screwed up and I hate them even more now.

"Now that we've got that checked out, Freak, come 'ere. There's something more we gotta talk 'bout." Clover doesn't wait for me to walk over. Instead, he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and tugs me to his side. I stumble forward but he keeps me upright with his grip.

"What is it?" I grumble. Once again, Clover swings his arm over my shoulders. I hate it when he does that. He's far too close.

"See now, there is a chance this won't work and the ones that are at a disadvantage are us," Clover explains, which I already knew. Technically, I can't really get caught. No one is going to see me. "So, Saturday we are leavin' the moment you go in, got it?"

I nod, although I don't see why he's telling me this. Either way, the car has to be waiting for me.

"I don't want you thinkin' cause we ain't here that you can pull one over on us. Believe me when I say your mom will find herself in a rather unpleasant position should you try to screw this up on purpose."

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