Chapter Four : Girl Meets The Aftermath.

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Maya's POV:

The car ride from the school to Josh's dorm is a short one usually, but for the whole time today, Josh was pestering me about answering the questions I ultimately was trying to avoid. I didn't want Josh concerning himself about the part of my life he didn't belong in, that I didn't want him in.

Honestly, I like the little set up I have going on right now. I am able to be who I am, the Maya that is expected of me with my friends and family but, when it all gets too much, when I need a break that's when I turn to Josh. It's so easy with him. I don't have to worry about being the Maya Hart that Riley, Farkle, Lucas and Zay wants me to be. I can let go of all my frustrations without a care in the world.

With Josh it's like I can finally come up for air when everything in my life gets too suffocating.

And I find myself needing that more and more lately.

"Maya can you please just tell me? By ignoring this question my mind is racing with the worse possible scenarios it can master." I look over at Josh as he opens the wooden door revealing his simple but cozy dorm room.

"It's nothing for you to be worried about." I reassure him for what feels like the fiftieth time since he picked me up from school.

"Is this about someone?" I stare at him, completely confused as to what it is he's trying to say.

"What do you mean?" He takes a deep breath, grabs a hold of my hand and bring me over to his bed where he sits me down. He looks me deeply in my eyes still having my hand in his before he speaks.

"Is there someone that did this to you? Did someone make you want to leave school?" I look over at him not really sure what gave him the impression that somebody would be bullying me.

"No there isn't. No there's no problem at school that I can't handle on my own." I smile at him weakily, attempting to reassure him the best that I can. I can see the doubt flashing behind his eyes but it leaves just as fast as it appears.

"Okay, but I'd hope that if there was something wrong you'd tell me." I nod my head yes, honestly not knowing if whether or not I would.

Josh represents a second part of my life that I oh so selfishly desire to keep to myself. When it all becomes to much for me to handle, when I'm not able to do it anymore, be the person that Riley, Mr. Matthews and almost everyone else in my life wants me to be that's when I turn to Josh.

My breath of fresh air.

"Can we just forget about all this and watch some Netflix?" I gaze at him hopefully before he nods his head yes and stands up before heading to his kitchen.

I smile happily at the fact that I can finally put this morning behind me. I get comfortable on his bed and throw his blanket onto my body as the feeling of calmness takes over me. Minutes later Josh comes out with a bag of extra butter microwaved popcorn.

Before he comes to get settled in on the bed he turns on his tv along with his PS4, he grabs the remote then makes his way over to me. He smiles kindly as he pulls out his blanket and lies down next to me with both of our backs rested on the headboard. He places the bag of popcorn in the small space between us then picking up the remote and going on Netflix.

"What do you feel like watching?" He questions looking over at me. I just shrug my shoulders not really caring.

"Did you watch the fifth season of the 100?" Josh knows how much I love that show, I'd talk about it so much that now I got him hooked on it. 

"Do you even need to ask?" 

"I just ended season four last night. You wanna watch season five with me then?" I smile widely.

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