Chapter Eight: Girl Meets Round Two.

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Just a little heads up guys, there's a trigger warning in this chapter so if you aren't comfortable I put a little note so you know when to expect it. Skip throughout it if you don't feel up to reading it❤️

Maya's POV:

I went the rest of the day avoiding Lucas. He carried on with the rest of his day like it was no other but there was some difference with him that I was able to tell. When he was with Riley he would make excuses as to why he hasn't been spending as much time with her. His smile and laughter never once reached his eyes as they looked the same as they did all day, empty.

"Hey Maya I haven't seen you all day. Where have you been?" I turn around to see Zay standing behind me with a curious expression on his face.

"Just around." I shrug.

"Okay, well I just wanted to let you know that we're all going out for ice cream if you wanna join?" Zay informs me but I have no desire to be anywhere around Lucas at the moment.

"Nah I'm good. I promise Gabby I'll be her place right after school." I say effortlessly, completely content that I won't have to be around Lucas tonight. Zay and I exchange our goodbyes and I finish grabbing my things from my locker for the day.

I take my time walking down the hallway while fishing in my pockets for my earphones. Today has been extremely unexpected all I am longing to do is go over by Gabby's, order some pizza and binge watch something on Netflix. However, before I can make it out the door a voice shouting my name stops me.

I stop in my tracks momentarily before continuing on my way because I don't have the time nor the energy to endure another argument with Lucas. He continues to shout my name but I don't pay him any mind until I realize his voice is starting to approach closer to me, soon after his hand wraps around my forearm spinning me around to face him.

"I know you heard me calling you." I roll my eyes at him,

"What you can't take a hint?" I use his words against him and all he does give me an annoyed expression.

"What did you mean earlier? When you said I never bothered to acknowledge what has been going on with you?" His tone of voice is a lot calmer than before as I can see the genuine curiosity behind his eyes. However, I don't want to even entertain him right now because of his harsh words from earlier.

"Why don't you figure it out for yourself." I reply coldly. Not wanting to partake in this conversation anymore I walk away from him and out the school door.

"You're only proving me right Hart. Still walking away from your friends." He says from behind me. Once again, I find myself trying to ignore his taunts but he is proving to make it difficult.

He claims that all I do is walk away but he's too clueless and selfish to even think about why I do that. He doesn't realize that everything I've done has been for him and Riley. His relationship has been dictating most of my decisions because I only want them to have their best shot and having Lucas calling me out on putting his needs before my own, really hurts.

"I'm only trying to make this right but you won't let me!" How dare he claim that. Trying to make things right my ass, does he really think that him saying all those things to me about me not caring and about me walking away, will make anything better?

"That's really fucking hard to believe because of all the bullshit that keeps coming out of your mouth. You say I don't care. That all I do is walk away but you never seemed to even bother to think about why." I finally realized that I've had enough. No matter how good I felt this morning, I know now that I can't do this anymore. I need a break from Lucas and maybe even the whole group.

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