Chapter Twenty Six: Girl Meets Lucas Finding Out.

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Maya's POV:

"Have a good rest of the day guys!" Mr. Matthews calls out as the students begin to gather their things and leave for lunch.

It's been a week since winter break ended and we started back at school. Everything has been an absolute dream since the kiss Lucas and I shared. We've been spending more time together and he's been nothing short of a gentleman. We haven't discussed what exactly we are to each other but I honestly don't mind. I don't want to rush into anything too quickly. Right now I'm completely content stealing kisses with Huckleberry when no one is looking. Lucas and I thought it would be better if we kept what's going on between us a secret. It's still so early and we don't owe anyone an explanation.

"Maya can I speak to you for a moment?" Mr. Matthews questions and I'm immediately taken back.

Why does he want to speak with me alone?

I look over at Lucas and urge him to go on, reluctantly he does but I have a suspicion that he's just waiting outside the door for me.

I finish gathering my things and walk over to Riley's father's desk.

I would be lying if I said my heart wasn't beating a mile a minute.

"This is about my grades?" I ask somewhat uncomfortable speaking to the father of my ex best friend.

"No Maya. I wanted to speak to you about Riley."

"Oh..." Is all I am able to say.

I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to this. My relationship with the Matthews' altogether hasn't been the same since my fall out with Riley. I have to admit that I do miss them but I can't help but be somewhat afraid of confronting them when I'm not on good terms with their daughter.

"I don't know what happened between you and my daughter. But I do know how much you guys both love each other. You guys have been friends for so long and I don't want you guys to throw your relationship away because of a fight. Don't you think it's time to put everything behind you? Isn't three months long enough to go without your best friend?" Mr. Matthews sends me an insightful look as he awaits for me to respond.

I let the words sink in.

The last three months have been so weird to me. Not even in my most wildest dreams would I have predicted such a turn of events for my senior year. I always thought I would be spending it with Riley and that we would be inseparable but I guess things don't always workout the way we thought they would.

"I'll give it some thought, but it does go both ways." I say and then I proceed to excuse myself for lunch.

I didn't want to stay there longer than necessary. I didn't want to give Mr. Matthews the chance to ask me a question I don't want to have to answer.

Once I exit the classroom I'm not surprised to see a certain cowboy outside waiting for me.

"You didn't have to wait for me." I say to him but all he does is roll his eyes and grabs the stuff out of my arms.

I smile at his action.

"So what did he want?" He asks as he walks me to my locker across the hall.

"For me and Riley to make up." I put in my combination and put my things away. Lucas leans against the locker next to mine.

"Is that what you want?" Lucas looks at me deeply into my eyes anticipating my answer.

I know Lucas has been thinking about my relationship with Riley lately, especially since how much she's been brought up. But I don't want him to worry about it.

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