Chapter Twenty One: Girl Meets Another Party.

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Maya's POV:

"Wakey Wakey Huckleberry." I whisper in his ear in attempt to wake him up from his slumber.

In response all Lucas does is let out a grumpy groan and shifts on to his side. I roll my eyes at his actions knowing what a stubborn sleeper he really is.

"Lucas seriously. Wake up." I try again and shake his shoulder but he ignores me for a second time and turns to face me with his eyes still closed.

His hand reaches out for me and grabs a hold of my waist and pulls me closer to him. Lucas then proceeds to nuzzle his head in the croak of neck before letting out a puff of air.

My body quickly lights on fire where our skin meets and my heart races at his action that I can never get used too.

"Go back to sleep Hart." He pleads with a more than raspy voice.

"Okay Friar I guess I'll just throw away the breakfast I made you..." I tease knowing for sure he'll want to get up and fill his belly.

Instantly he pokes his head up and looks at me for the first time this morning.

"You better not be playing with me Maya. You know how much I love your famous pancakes." Lucas says with stern eyes but also a playful grin.

"Yes Lucas I made your favorite-" Before I can even finish my sentence he jumps out of bed and runs out of my bedroom.

Only Lucas.

"Be careful not to hurt yourself Huckleberry." I tease as I walk into the kitchen only to see him stuffing his face with my homemade chocolate chip pancakes.

He takes a few moments to swallow the food he was scarfing down before he decides to speak.

"I can't help it Maya you really out did yourself." Lucas smiles kindly and instantly my cheeks start to heat up at his sweet compliment.

"So can I ask you a question?" I nod encouragingly as I put a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

"Who was here last night before me?" Though his question is seemingly innocent my heart becomes heavy with the thought of giving him a response.

"Just a few friends no one special." I shrug harmlessly not being able to hold his eye contact.

"Were the twins over?"

"Hmm." I hum while nodding. I quickly look up at Lucas to see his eyes narrowed at me as he is analyzing my movements.

"Was Josh here too?" I can hear in his voice how skeptical he truly was to even dare to ask such a question.

I know how Lucas has been feeling about my lying lately and I really want to make an effort and attempt to be more open and honest with him. For the sake of our friendship.  I hope Lucas can appreciate my candor and reciprocate it with a calm and collective reply.

I take a deep breath before speaking.

"Do you want the honest answer?" I say quietly and look up at him through my lashes.

"That's all I ever want." Lucas speaks slowly but nods to urge me on.

Here goes nothing...

"Yes. Josh was here with the twins yesterday."  My heart is beating forcefully against my chest and my nerves are bouncing off the walls at this very moment.

I'm almost scared to look over and see Huckleberry's reaction. I don't want us to argue so early in the morning. I had envisioned us strolling the streets of New York and maybe getting some gift shopping done or something. I don't want anything to ruin what could very well be a good day between Lucas and I.

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