Chapter Twenty Two: Girl Meets Moments.

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Maya's POV:

"Are you sure you're okay Shortstack?" Lucas asks me for what seems like the tenth time since he came to pick me up.

"Yes Lucas I'm fine." I assure him before he takes the empty mug out of my grip.

The fight that took place this morning between Lucas and I seems like a very distant memory. By the way he's been acting tonight, you would've never known about the argument that happened in this very room less than twelve hours ago. He even made me a cup of tea. Sometimes I wonder what I ever did to make me deserve having someone like him in my life.

"I'm only making sure Hart." Lucas grabs a hold of my blanket and proceeds to tuck me into bed. 

Surprisingly Lucas does something that throws me completely off guard. He reaches out his hand and pushes the random strands of blonde hair out of my face and he places them behind my ear. Lucas lets his hand linger for longer than necessary. Instantly, my heart beat starts to quicken.

Our eyes are locked together almost as if we are in some sort of enticing trance. But faster than I would have liked, Lucas looks away from me almost like he realized he was doing something wrong.

"Maybe I should get go-" Lucas starts to move his hand from behind my ear. Before I can stop myself my hand reaches up to grab his.

"Stay." I am almost ashamed about how positively weak I just sounded but there's something deep inside me that needs Lucas to be here with me tonight.

I can see clearly that Lucas is at odds with himself. He's debating internally about whether or not he should stay. And I so selflessly want him too...

"Please?" I plead quietly and before he even answers, he lifts up my blanket and climbs in next to me.

A smile appears across my face and I take it upon myself to make a bold move. Something I would usually never do. I fill in the space between Lucas and I. I place my head on his clothed chest and I wrap my arm around him. I can tell that Huckleberry is taken aback by my boldness. He slightly jumps at my sudden touch but quickly gets used to it and pulls me in closer to his body. Slowly his fingers start to rake through my hair which relaxes me profoundly.

"I know we aren't on the best of terms right now..." I speak softly being cautious about this current topic.

"But I hope you know how eternally grateful I am for you." I say and look up at him and to my surprise Lucas looks somewhat uneasy.

"I don't get why you say these things to me." He admits and though his words are so full of emotion his tone is utterly soft.

"Because it's the truth." I admit.

Silence over comes the both of us. As much as I want to address what happened this morning I don't want to ruin this moment with Lucas. Even though I always deny it, Huckleberry has wormed his way back into my heart once again. There's something about him that I'm so alluringly attracted too. I thought I had him completely out of my system and at one point I did, but I should've known better than thinking my old feelings for him wouldn't resurface.

"Can I ask you a question? But you have to promise me not to get upset." I make sure to speak softly so I don't upset him.

"What is it?" I take a deep breath before speaking bracing myself for what's to come.

"About this morning... I still don't understand what you wanted for me." The possibilities have come to mind but the only sensible conclusion just very well can't be.

Did he want me to confess how I feel about him?

Does he potentially feel the same about me?

"All I ever wanted was the truth Maya. I want to understand you and more than anything I want you to let me in." His hand goes up under my chin and lefts my head so my eyes can meet his. Something inside is yearning for me to be honest with him. And if I'm being truthful, at this very moment I can't think of a single reason not too.

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