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The night was chilly as dark clouds hang in the sky. Trees swayed in the light breeze that blew around the city and the beautiful gardenias in the compound of the Niles mansion were no exception.

Tonight, the spots that were usually empty had cars occupying them. Anderson's black Bugatti and Hansen's white Ferrari stood together with Mary's SUV and Mr Niles' limousine.

The family was inside, gathered around the large dining table, having dinner. At the head was Mr Niles, looking thin and pale as ever. To his left was his wife, Mary dazzling in a sparkling white dress and Hansen in a black suit. To the right hand side was, Anderson and Sydney. He also wore a black suit while she dressed in a hot pink, knee length dress.

The room was cosy, but the atmosphere was not. Mr Niles was keeping an eye on his son and his fiancée. Mary, on the other hand looked at the plate in front of her and nowhere else, whereas Anderson and Hansen exchanged glances every now and then. They both sometimes peeked at Sydney who looked anywhere but at them.

"Sydney, what do you do?" Mr Niles decided to end the tight silence that fell between them after they sat down about ten minutes ago.

Bringing her head up from her laps, she glanced at the old man. A pair of sharp blue eyes stared back at her through wrinkled and sunken eyelids. A shiver ran down her spine as she stared at the pale man. His sickly appearance reminded her of when her own father was also this ill. He had lost so much weight that one could count his ribs. A lump built in her throat and she took her time to swallow it.

"Ah..." Her voice was wobbly and she quickly cleared her throat. "I am an actress."

Mr Niles and Mary's eyes shot to her, the same time Anderson took her hand from beneath the table and squeezed it. Sydney narrowed her eyes at him and detangled his hand from hers.

"An actress?" Mary asked and she replied proudly.


"I see." A small smile played on Mary's lips as she looked between Sydney and Anderson.

"I have not seen your movies in the theatre." Mr Niles mentioned.

"I am not yet a big actress whose movies would be showed in theatres. I star in local TV shows."

There was a snicker as all heads turned towards Mary who was not trying to hide her laugh. Confusion registered on their faces as they exchanged glances between themselves.

"What's so funny mother?" Hansen asked.

"Pardon me. I should not have laughed like that, but it is just so hilarious." Mary continued to laugh and tears slipped out from the corners of her eyes. She reached for the napkin on her lap and wiped them away. "Is it not funny, how a small town actress who is not from the city could just run into the son of a billionaire?" She glanced at Sydney with a bitter look.

"It is called fate, if you don't know." Anderson replied with a smirk.

"Is it fate or ambition?" Mary forked a piece of meat into her mouth and chewed, while keeping her eyes on Sydney who sat immobile in her chair.

"It's good to be ambitious. One will not get what they want if they do not have ambition." Anderson defended.

"Oh, it is good you mentioned that. This just states that your fiancée is with you for ambitious reasons."

"She isn't." Anderson snapped, clenching the cutlery between his palms.

"Is she not? Just think about it, all of you." She looked from one face to the other and finally fell on Sydney's at last. "A worthless, small town actress is engaged to the son of a billionaire. What does this tell you? She is using you to get what she wants, and that is fame and recognition. You are her springboard to bigger TV shows and movie roles." Mary shook her head and rolled her eyes. Glancing at Anderson, she added. "I would expect this from a lowlife man, but not you. How desperate were you to find a bride that you will say yes to the first gold-digger who comes your way."

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