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The night was cool and the moon shone brightly, just the way she had wanted it. However, she did not notice it although, she was watching through the open window of her room because, she was feeling extremely nervous and worried. Rose asked her to take deep breaths to calm down, but it was not helping her either. She did not know what would calm her racing heart and stop her hands from trembling.   

“Sydney,” Kathleen called and she looked away from the window, in her direction. Turning the swivel chair about, she faced the sisters fully.

Kathleen smiled down at her. “Come on, don’t be nervous.” She took Sydney’s hand into hers, enveloping it in her warm hands. “You should be smiling because it’s your wedding day.” She cupped Sydney’s face now. “And you’re marrying the man you love. Besides, you are looking too gorgeous to be frowning.”  

Sydney knew Kathleen was right. It was her wedding day and she was marrying the man she loved, so she should be happy. However, she had a strong feeling in her gut that something was going to go wrong. Sighing, she nodded to Kathleen and glanced into the mirror before her, at her reflection.

 A smile slowly crept up on her face as she stared at herself. She loved the simple yet sophisticated braid the hairstylist made for her hair. Also, she loved her natural yet gorgeous make-up. She was set, except that the dress was not in yet. What was taking that designer so long?

There was a sudden knock on the door and then Rose spoke in a singsong. “The dress is here.” She hurried to the door and pulled it open. A confused expression crossed her face when she saw a man at the door.

“Lance?” Sydney called his name and rose to her feet.

“I am sorry. The bride can’t see any visitors.” Kathleen was going to close the door, but then Sydney spoke up.

“No, let him in.” She said, moving away from the dressing mirror. The door opened wider and Lance entered. Their gazes locked for a split second and she saw worry in his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered what bad news he has come to tell her.

“Can we please have some privacy? There’s something I have to tell you.”

“Uh, Kathleen, Rose, can you please leave us alone for a second?” She asked without breaking eye contact with him.

When the door closed behind the sisters, he spoke the words she feared he would speak. “Your mother is gone!”

“What?” Her fingers went straight into her hair to tug. “How, where, when did this happen?” She asked.

“This afternoon. I went out for a shoot and when I got back, she was gone.” He added to which she groaned.

Sydney paced the room, throwing a hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming on top of her voice. She wanted to scream until she runs out of breath, because she was angry and frustrated. Why did her mother leave Lance’s place? Where did she go?

“She left a note for you.” He retrieved a paper from his breast pocket.

Sydney halted in her steps and slowly turned around to face him. She took the piece of paper and saw it addressed to her. Unfolding it, she saw little scribbles of Adeline’s handwriting.

"Sydney, please do not get married. You cannot marry him, not when you do not know the truth."

“What does it say, Sydney?” Lance asked upon seeing Sydney’s horrified expression. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Sydney,” he said, as her tears fell out of her eyes. When she remained quiet, he snatched the paper from her and looked at it.

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