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There was a knock on the door, but Sydney did not move to answer it. She did not feel like leaving her bed, her room, or her house for that matter. No, she preferred staying in bed until the images of Anderson kissing another woman were removed from her memory. Her heart still throbbed painfully when she recalled that unpleasant moment. Unwanted images of how he had flung his arm around that woman, how he had held her close to his chest, how he had kissed her so passionately crossed through her mind, and she felt a lump building in her throat. Shaking her head to clear the images, she sank into the covers and continued to look out into space. The knock came back again and still she ignored it.

“Sydney, please open up.” It was Kari.

“Kari, come back later.” Sydney groaned while tucking an arm under her head.

“I can’t. We have to leave now for Paris if you do not want to miss the premiere of your movie.” Sydney heaved a sigh, after her PA reminded her of the movie premiere. Gosh, she could not postpone it anymore. After asking her manager twice to move up the date because “she was going through some personal stuff”, she did not think he would change it again if she asked. “The premiere comes off tomorrow morning and you have to be in Paris latest by tonight.” Kari’s voice came back, drawing Sydney out of her thoughts. There was no escaping now, Sydney thought. She would have to leave her house and face the media. Everyone was probably waiting for her to leave her house, so they would pry her until she revealed the real reason why she had cried at the after party three nights ago. She doubted they even wanted her to explain herself. They undoubtedly only wanted her to confirm their theories that she cried because she had seen her ex-fiancé, Anderson Niles at the party with his girlfriend. Yes, they were right she cried because she saw him, but she was not going to admit it. Moreover, the reports she had seen were already hurtful enough. Some tabloids called her a drama queen who only wanted attention, while others named her a jealous bitch who just realized what she lost after seeing him living happy without her. Well, they were right. It hurt her that he was living happily without her, but she was not the least bit jealous of that slut called Anderson’s girlfriend.

“Sydney, please tell me you are out of bed.” Kari spoke again.

Kicking the covers with her feet, she got out of bed and moved to unlock the door. Kari visibly released a breath upon seeing Sydney. “Oh, good. I thought you had drugged yourself or something.”

Sydney rolled her eyes. Kari was such a drama queen. Yes, she was hurt, but not stupid. Turning around, she returned to her bed, Kari following into the room. “How are you feeling?” Sydney shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that. “Good, this is how I want you to be in Paris. No moody and grim-faced Sydney, no. I want the “I don’t give a fuck Sydney”, okay?”

* * * * *

A few hours later, they were in the car heading to the airport. Sydney sat in the corner, looking out the window. She was deep in thought and forgot that was with her. Therefore, she became startled when Kari spoke. “As expected, the paparazzi are at the airport.”

Sydney glanced at her PA, waiting for her to find a way out of this. She was not ready to meet any paparazzi and she definitely was not dressed for any pictures. Maybe, she should have just walked away with Kari when she had asked them to go that night. If she had only walked away, she would not have seen that kiss and probably would not have cried in front of so many people and have the paparazzi take pictures of it. Now, she was upset with herself. She hated scandals.

“I guess you will have to brace yourself for the media.” Sydney’s eyes flared at Kari’s words. She imagined herself squeezing her way through a sea of people, with cameras flashing, journalists screaming questions at her, people watching her with judging eyes and whispering insults under their breaths. No, shaking her head she turned to her PA and told her it would be better if they hired a private jet than to storm the airport and have everyone watching her. It was not easy being a well-known celebrity. Although she had craved for this attention in the past, now that she had it, it was a headache. One could not do even the simplest things without being watched, even crying upon seeing their ex with another person.   

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