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 Anderson pulled into the parking lot of a supermarket, eyeing the place with a suspicious look on his face. After turning off the engine and stepping out of the car, he was not so sure he wanted to be here.

There were many people around, especially women and children. Some were going in with their handbags while others were exiting with full plastic bags together with their handbags.

“You have never been to a supermarket before, right?” Sydney spoke while getting out of the car. She moved to stand beside him, holding her purse in place.

He crossed his arms and shook his head, saying grumpily. “No.”  

“Then I assure you, you’ll love it.” Sydney smiled and laced her hand with his. At that moment, she noted how small her hand looked in his. His hand was even large and rough against her smooth, slim hand. She tried not to focus on the feeling creeping in her stomach and pulled him with her.

  “Come on, let’s go inside.” Anderson dragged his feet, allowing her to take control. “Here.” Sydney pointed to a shopping cart and he groaned before taking the handle and pulling one out from the bunch.

“Okay, here’s a list of everything we will need.” Sydney removed a paper from her jeans pocket and handed it to him. “Feel free to make omissions or even add something if you want.”

Anderson glanced through the list, asking himself what she needed all these for. There were like over fifty items. It was not as if he cannot pay for all this, he could, but he was worried it would go to waste because he did not eat at home.

Sydney moved and he pushed the cart behind her. They moved from one aisle to the other. She picked out the things on her list and then crossed them out. He watched her every move and noticed that she seemed to know what she was doing. Every once in a while she looked back at him, flashing him a dazzling smile and making his heart flutter.

By the time they got home from the shopping mart, the sun was high up in the sky and their hands exhausted from carrying so many shopping bags. Anderson collapsed on a chair around the dining table, breathing heavily and turning up the air condition.

 “I am never going shopping ever again.”

Sydney laughed from the fridge and he frowned. How could she laugh at something he spoke with, with all seriousness? He folded both hands on the dining table and stared at her. All of a sudden, the image of her from last night came to his mind.

“I used to say the same thing when I started shopping with my mother.” Sydney turned away from the fridge with two cups of ice cream in her hands. “But do you know what my mother always used to cheer me up afterwards, _ ice cream.” She smiled, raising the cups to her cheeks.

“Ice cream, really?” He asked.

“Trust me; ice cream is the best stress reliever.” She was now standing before him, handing him a cup of frozen chocolate ice cream.

 Anderson looked into the cup and raised a brow. “When you are sweaty and your body is all warm from walking around, ice cream will cool you down within seconds. Try it.” He glanced at her and saw her fetching a spoon into her mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned as it melted on her tongue, slowly slipping down her throat, cooling it as it went.

He was entranced, watching her every move. She sat in the chair next to his and fetched another spoon. When she moaned this time, he could not help but comment on the melodious tone. “Well, that’s arousing.”

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