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The car hummed into the compound of Anderson’s house. Everywhere was quiet, with no traces of reporters or paparazzi. The vehicle pulled up at the front door and Sydney quickly pushed her door open, stepping out. She did not spare Anderson a glance as she walked up to the front door, opened it and stepped inside. The house was still the same as they left it a week ago. Their ice cream cups were still standing on the dining table and the telephones were where they left them.

She ran up the staircase and disappeared into her room. Leaning against her closed door, she slid down into a couching position. Her hands found their way into her hair and she tugged at it, sighing.

The last few days had not gone well at Boti, all thanks to Anderson. He had crushed her heart when he insisted that they go on with the contract and pretend nothing happened. She had not understood why he asked that, until today, when they were leaving the Alistair mansion at Boti and Lady Willow advised her to make him realize what he was closing his heart too, and then she understood him.

Anderson was scared. He was scared of being in a relationship. She remembers when Hansen told her that his brother had never been in a relationship. At first, she thought that he had been busy with work to find time for relationships. However, she realized that he was only scared. He never opened his heart to a woman because he was scared. But scared of what?

She needed to know. She wanted to understand him because she could not pretend that she did not have feelings for him. It would be impossible, especially now that the wedding plans will be starting. They had cut their trip short because Mary wanted them to be around to discuss their wedding plans with the wedding planner.

“Argh,” she had never imagined herself getting married like this. She had always wanted to marry a man she loved and in a ceremony filled with love and laughs.

The sudden rapping on her door brought her out of her thoughts and she stood up. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. “How can I help you?” She asked Anderson who refused to look directly at her.

“Get ready; we are meeting the wedding planner in two hours.” The words just finished rolling off his tongue, when her door came shutting in his face.

An hour and thirty minutes later, they were leaving the house. Anderson was back to dressing in his usual color, black. When they got in the backseat of the car, he tried not to look at Sydney. However, his eyes always wondered back to her.

Today, she was make-up free and dressed in a casual shirt over jeans. Her hair was in a ponytail, therefore exposing a smooth neck and gorgeous cheekbones, which he did not know she had. She was beautiful, he thought, but could not bring himself to tell her.

After, when seemed like hours, which was actually only minutes, the chauffeur packed in front of a bridal shop. Anderson walked and went around the car to open Sydney’s door for her. He was taken aback, when she greeted him with a smile, while taking his hand.

What happened? He wondered. Was she not angry with him anymore? When he turned to walk with her into the shop and he saw a few reporters taking pictures of them, he realized that she was only acting.

A salesperson led them to a table. There, Mary was seating with two women. “Hello, mother.” Anderson left Sydney’s side to kiss his mother’s cheek, who did not look too pleased to receive it. “You are looking lovely this morning.”

“And so do you.” Mary replied, with a smile while kissing his cheek too. “Sydney, it’s so good to see you again. You are looking lovely.”

“Thank you, but not as lovely as you.” Sydney played along, as she knew this was all a sham. One thing she learnt about the Niles family is that, they liked to look like a happy family in the public eye. How sickening.

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