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Anderson woke up with the worse headache he had ever experienced. His temples throbbed painful, which played into his ears like drums. Groaning, he rolled onto his side and covered his ears in hopes that the thudding sound would subside. However, no matter how painful his head throbbed, it was nothing compared to the one in his chest. That pain was just overwhelming. He had never felt something so strong in his entire life. He had never known how it felt like to have a broken heart until last night. Well now, he knows that it felt like hell. Tears pricked at his eyes and he quickly squeezed them shut. He did not want to cry. No, he would not cry. He was a man and men did not cry. Besides, he had already shed too much tears last night and do not intend on shedding more.  

Uh, last night, damn it. It had been his wedding last night… his wedding to Sydney. Gosh, even saying her name stabbed at his heart. Last night was supposed to be the best day of his life. He was supposed to marry the woman he loved and then live the rest of his life in her arms. Last night, was supposed to be exciting, but she turned it into something else completely. After she runaway and ruined what they spent weeks preparing, it had turned into some kind of funeral ground. The guests had been sad for him. They felt sorry for him. They offered their apologies, which had enraged him. He had not wanted their pity or apologies. He had wanted them to be congratulating him when he had his bride in his arms. In a fit of rage, he had thrown chairs, destroyed all the decorations and chased everyone away. He had thought smashing everything would take the pain that was slowly brewing his chest away, but it did not. He had felt his heat shatter in its cage and pain slowly slipped through his veins to every part of his body making him weak. He had collapsed into a chair and got down to business, drinking all the champagne he could lay his hands on. If Hansen had not stopped him from drinking, he probably would have gotten even drunker than he was last night and would have ended up with an even worse case of a migraine.   

Speaking of worse cases of a migraine, it looked like he was already experiencing the worse of it. The throbbing was back and it was breaking his head apart. He moaned and caught his head between his palms. It felt like someone placed two brick against his temples and was bashing the hell out of them. As if that was not enough, his stomach started to churn. He felt bile rose up in his throat and he swallowed it. As soon as the bitterness rode down, a gag reflex threw his head forward. His stomach flip-flopped and then he knew what would be coming next.

Kicking off the sheets, he carefully sat up in bed, making sure not to worsen the ache in his head. Anderson was expecting to find himself in his bed, inside his house. However, he was surprised when he saw grey walls, white sheets and blinking equipment instead of the usual black walls, silk sheets and beautiful black décor of his room. No one had to tell him that he was in a hospital, because the stench of disinfectant told him enough. It even made him want to throw up even more. Without wasting any more time, he ripped the cords from his wrist –which stung him- dropped his feet to the ground and rushed into the bathroom. Thank God, he was in the VIP suit. If not, he would have spilled his guts out on the floor.

Anderson soon returned to the room. Looking around, he noticed that no one was there. He was not too disappointed because his parents were very good at abandoning him the time he needed them. However, the fact that his brother was not there, saddened him. Hansen had never left his side when he was not feeling well, so why was he missing today? Perhaps had he just left when he woke up? Did he go out to get a drink?

The door suddenly opened and a nurse walked in with a tray. A smile formed on his lips when she saw him awake. “It’s about time, you woke up.” He said, moving to place the tray on the only chair in the room. “How are you feeling?”

“I have a migraine.” He replied, the same time he felt a throb.

The nurse nodded. “It’s expected. You came here highly intoxicated.” He explained while preparing a shot. “Can you please lie down?” He asked.

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