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Charlie was numb.

Numb from pain

Numb from heartbreak

Numb from confusion.

Just. Numb.

So as Nate talked to him, he was trying to think of a way for him to be able to skip lacrosse and just go home.

"And So then I told her, no, because who wants to put their head in a deep fryer...? Charlie?" Nate asked, realizing his friend wasn't listening and had zoned out. "You Alright man?"

Nate was starting to notice the difference in Charlie's attitude and personality... it was concerning. Charlie was usually such a happy person, and always had a good attitude, but the last few days he's been totally out of it.

"Huh? What... yeah I'm fine." He nodded, giving his attention back to Nate. Nate frowned.
"Why don't you go to the nurse... you look like your about to pass out..." Nate said and Charlie nodded. There's no point in arguing with that. He hasn't slept well, and he hasn't been eating healthy... and the 4 hour lacrosse camps were doing a number on him...

So Nate walked Charlie to the nurse,.. and had to catch him a couple times so he didn't fall and trip....

Once Charlie was in the nurse and his mom was coming to get him, Nate took off, bidding goodbye to his friend and heading back to the lunchroom. Nate was incredibly concerned for his best friend and he was determined to know why he was struggling so bad.

"Hey." Nate said simply, cramming himself in between Mae and Haven. They both looked at him, curious to why he was sitting with them. Yes they were friends, but at lunch the girls sat with there sports teams and friends, while Charlie and Nate sat with theirs.

All the girls started swooning and trying to talk to Nate. He ignored them, only talking to Mae and Haven.

"Do you know what's up with Charlie?"

Haven shook her head.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it though, because I was- hold on." Haven huffed, looking at all her teammates drooling over Nate. "Give it a rest! He's gay! Anyway- I was gonna ask you if you had noticed it."

Nate chuckled before focusing back on the topic.

Mae was quietly eating her salad as her two friends talked, trying not to cry. She new what was wrong with Charlie...

"Mae?" Haven asked, noticing the look on her friends face. "Do you... know something?"

Mae looked up at them and nodded. "Can... uh... Can we just... like go somewhere private?"

The two nodded and followed Mae over to the back wall of the cafeteria where they all sat. Mae in between the two. "I just... because of a lot of complications and... I... I just-... I broke up with him." And with that sentence, Mae broke down in tears. Nate and Haven both went slack jaw. That was the LAST thing they had expected.

"Mae Mae... why?" Haven asked taking her friends hands. "I thought you loved him!"
"I did! I do!... it's just... so many complications and were both going to go away for college! Me to Scotland, he's going to California... and- I don't know Haven." She cried.

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